Live show reports / comments

Started by FreakAnimalFinland, July 25, 2011, 09:35:36 AM

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Nuclear War Now/Hospital Fest, Osaka 6-7 April 2024
Machine Parts 2 Fest, Tokyo 13-14 April 2024

I could not find this topic for a while so I posted this first to the Scream & Writhe forum. This is pretty much the same, slightly edited.

What a trip! Out of my 9 full days in Japan I went for gigs on 5 and they kinda already start bleeding into each other in my mind. All the beers make it even more so. The start of the trip was promising, slightly jetlagged (I tried to prepare and adjust beforehand) arriving at my hotel in Osaka and finding out it was a love hotel. These are the places to where people usually take prostitutes. Also visits to a local brewpub and the club that was supposed to be the after party club for the weekend.
Saturday's metal menu was solid, the ones I liked the best were Departure Chandelier and Beherit. The after party was NOT at the same club and we could not find any updated info so we just went to an izakaya for beer and food. I was looking forward to Sunday much more than Saturday and it did not disappoint. Skin Crime, Thirdorgan, Yellow Gas Flames, Prurient, Linekraft, Genocide Organ and Masonna all in one night, incredible. Masonna's 3-minute rock star noise freakout was perfect. There was no way Beherit's electronic set would feel like much after that (and it did not). I met so many people during the weekend it was insane. Even Dominick had time to stop for a chat despite he must have been super busy organizing a fest like that and performing on both days. Also bought a collage from Kristian Olsson that fittingly had a piece from an old Swedish porn mag talking about "dreaming of moose cock". Also heart warming was that two people wanted to take a picture of my Moozzhead shirt with the Revenge ripoff design AND send the picture to members of Revenge. The remaining days in Osaka were "filled" with kinda disappointing sex shops, awesome record stores and more beer.
In Tokyo we did not even get out of the railway station before parking ourselves at the Antenna America craft beer bar that had like 20 meters of fridges full of yummy cans. The following few days were filled with tens of bookstore visits (I was staying in Jimbocho so it was super easy), better sex shop visits (found a Hitomi Tanaka DVD box set with 23 hours of censored greatness) and more beer. Even ended up going to a bookstore asking for Namio Harukawa books and when the lady said she did not know the name I googled some pictures for her and then she said "no, this is a children's bookstore". Also visited the awesome Vanilla Gallery that this time had SIGNED Trevor Brown books for like 25 EUR each. On my previous Tokyo trip I managed to miss NEdS but this time I made it. International noise freaks had bought "everything" already during the two weeks before but it was still great to feel the intimacy of the place, especially with 6-8 people inside. Afterwards beer in the Golden Gai district's Deathmatch In Hell which was an awesome tiny bar with horror movie VHS tapes, props and posters everywhere plus two screens playing horror movies. All drinks were 666 yen.
On Friday I got my ass to Yokohama for the pre-fest gig which was organized in a tiny punk/hardcore basement with a bar. Again a solid night with most memorable sets being Anti Itch Cream delivering great one-woman noisecore, Deterge blowing the whole place up and finally Nikudorei doing 15min feedback and then like 200 songs. I seemed to be the only one not returning to Tokyo after the gig and ended up in a love hotel. Again. By myself.
On Saturday mister Government Alpha was our guide in Tokyo and he took us to a record store that had not been raided dry. I already had my luggage at the weight limit with all the books and magazines I had bought so no LPs for me but my friend found Hijokaidan's Limited Edition LP and No Paris/No Harm LP originals for a nice price. Then it was time for the main reason I decided to go to Japan, the Machine Parts fest! A legendary venue (Ochiai Soup) in a small basement (70 people max) with cheap beer. Shitstorm and Suppression started the evening with super intense hardcore. And it had to be super compact as I heard they were going to play in Yokohama still that same night! Other top moments for the evening were Deterge (this time with more gabber/hardcore techno in the set that made the place go wild), Mo*Te the fragile Japanese gentleman who still conjured some great noise, and K2 who was totally amazing to see live as his stuff is some of the earliest Japanese noise I ever heard. Ended up in a small "semi-private" bar in Golden Gai and bumped into mister Ames Sanglantes while Death Race 2000 was playing on the tv (the cover of VMS Elit - Todesrennen tape is from this movie). Only in Japan!
On Sunday it was time for the best night of the whole trip. I had the pleasure to see (among other things) Scum as 50% of Malformed Gentlemen, Facialmess do perfect cut-up stutter assault, Napalm Death Is Dead doing a long guitar intro that sounded like Gerogerigegege's Piano River (which I love) and then a super short burst of an "actual" set, Cracksteel playing total '90s Japanese noise and finally Killer Bug playing a great noise set with minimal stutter (I was afraid it might have been like recent Kazumoto Endo solo stuff which is a bit too much for me). Don't get me wrong, everything else was great as well but these were my absolute highlights. I had many great chats with great people (like discussing the finer points of early Finnish death metal with Ben of Ebola Disco), heard great music (even between bands!), and drank lots of average beer. What's not to love?
Super mega thanks to Kenny for organization and helping out people with problems with Japanese websites and for being such a gentleman!


Special Interests website has full report from the last weekend. Includes photos, text and video compilation. I am sure that there will be better quality audio and people probably have also better close-up filmed video footage, at least Noisecast may be doing report in near future. Needless to say, not all gigs were youtube friendly so you get to see just short fragments of what was going on.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


Thanks for the great write ups Moozz and FA


Quote from: moozz on April 17, 2024, 12:58:11 PMNuclear War Now/Hospital Fest, Osaka 6-7 April 2024
Machine Parts 2 Fest, Tokyo 13-14 April 2024

I could not find this topic for a while so I posted this first to the Scream & Writhe forum. This is pretty much the same, slightly edited.

What a trip! Out of my 9 full days in Japan I went for gigs on 5 and they kinda already start bleeding into each other in my mind. All the beers make it even more so. The start of the trip was promising, slightly jetlagged (I tried to prepare and adjust beforehand) arriving at my hotel in Osaka and finding out it was a love hotel. These are the places to where people usually take prostitutes. Also visits to a local brewpub and the club that was supposed to be the after party club for the weekend.
Saturday's metal menu was solid, the ones I liked the best were Departure Chandelier and Beherit. The after party was NOT at the same club and we could not find any updated info so we just went to an izakaya for beer and food. I was looking forward to Sunday much more than Saturday and it did not disappoint. Skin Crime, Thirdorgan, Yellow Gas Flames, Prurient, Linekraft, Genocide Organ and Masonna all in one night, incredible. Masonna's 3-minute rock star noise freakout was perfect. There was no way Beherit's electronic set would feel like much after that (and it did not). I met so many people during the weekend it was insane. Even Dominick had time to stop for a chat despite he must have been super busy organizing a fest like that and performing on both days. Also bought a collage from Kristian Olsson that fittingly had a piece from an old Swedish porn mag talking about "dreaming of moose cock". Also heart warming was that two people wanted to take a picture of my Moozzhead shirt with the Revenge ripoff design AND send the picture to members of Revenge. The remaining days in Osaka were "filled" with kinda disappointing sex shops, awesome record stores and more beer.
In Tokyo we did not even get out of the railway station before parking ourselves at the Antenna America craft beer bar that had like 20 meters of fridges full of yummy cans. The following few days were filled with tens of bookstore visits (I was staying in Jimbocho so it was super easy), better sex shop visits (found a Hitomi Tanaka DVD box set with 23 hours of censored greatness) and more beer. Even ended up going to a bookstore asking for Namio Harukawa books and when the lady said she did not know the name I googled some pictures for her and then she said "no, this is a children's bookstore". Also visited the awesome Vanilla Gallery that this time had SIGNED Trevor Brown books for like 25 EUR each. On my previous Tokyo trip I managed to miss NEdS but this time I made it. International noise freaks had bought "everything" already during the two weeks before but it was still great to feel the intimacy of the place, especially with 6-8 people inside. Afterwards beer in the Golden Gai district's Deathmatch In Hell which was an awesome tiny bar with horror movie VHS tapes, props and posters everywhere plus two screens playing horror movies. All drinks were 666 yen.
On Friday I got my ass to Yokohama for the pre-fest gig which was organized in a tiny punk/hardcore basement with a bar. Again a solid night with most memorable sets being Anti Itch Cream delivering great one-woman noisecore, Deterge blowing the whole place up and finally Nikudorei doing 15min feedback and then like 200 songs. I seemed to be the only one not returning to Tokyo after the gig and ended up in a love hotel. Again. By myself.
On Saturday mister Government Alpha was our guide in Tokyo and he took us to a record store that had not been raided dry. I already had my luggage at the weight limit with all the books and magazines I had bought so no LPs for me but my friend found Hijokaidan's Limited Edition LP and No Paris/No Harm LP originals for a nice price. Then it was time for the main reason I decided to go to Japan, the Machine Parts fest! A legendary venue (Ochiai Soup) in a small basement (70 people max) with cheap beer. Shitstorm and Suppression started the evening with super intense hardcore. And it had to be super compact as I heard they were going to play in Yokohama still that same night! Other top moments for the evening were Deterge (this time with more gabber/hardcore techno in the set that made the place go wild), Mo*Te the fragile Japanese gentleman who still conjured some great noise, and K2 who was totally amazing to see live as his stuff is some of the earliest Japanese noise I ever heard. Ended up in a small "semi-private" bar in Golden Gai and bumped into mister Ames Sanglantes while Death Race 2000 was playing on the tv (the cover of VMS Elit - Todesrennen tape is from this movie). Only in Japan!
On Sunday it was time for the best night of the whole trip. I had the pleasure to see (among other things) Scum as 50% of Malformed Gentlemen, Facialmess do perfect cut-up stutter assault, Napalm Death Is Dead doing a long guitar intro that sounded like Gerogerigegege's Piano River (which I love) and then a super short burst of an "actual" set, Cracksteel playing total '90s Japanese noise and finally Killer Bug playing a great noise set with minimal stutter (I was afraid it might have been like recent Kazumoto Endo solo stuff which is a bit too much for me). Don't get me wrong, everything else was great as well but these were my absolute highlights. I had many great chats with great people (like discussing the finer points of early Finnish death metal with Ben of Ebola Disco), heard great music (even between bands!), and drank lots of average beer. What's not to love?
Super mega thanks to Kenny for organization and helping out people with problems with Japanese websites and for being such a gentleman!

Fuck yes, sounds like classic (but enhanced) Japan chaos


E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com



E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


Full SONIC ABUSE set from last weekend:

I tried a couple of new things this time. First time using a looper in a live setting to create layers on-the-fly as opposed to relying on backing tracks, sampler, etc. Also built a gas mask mic rig that I still need to perfect but overall I thought worked well for vocals and other sounds. The set up was pretty simple - fuzz and delay feeding into looper pedal. Mic'd piece of aluminum siding and other things to bang into it.
There was a projection in the background with skinhead porn and different rubber scenes. Typical noise perv things... not very YT friendly stuff so the guy who shot the vid couldn't really capture much of that.


I've uploaded a few sets from the recent Ramleh/The New Blockaders shows.


Dominion Of Flesh: 10 Years Of Cloister Recordings

Three nights of very varied heavy electronics. The warm-up event on Thursday was in a night club boat. Lust Fist started as a replacement for Detonation Day, both acts unknown to me. It was pretty much "traditional pe": flanged vocals, synth mats, balaclavas etc. It actually sounded nice but the white blouse + commando mask looked a bit silly combination. XAL was Mollusk King, Am Not + third person. Am Not is more interesting project of these two but this was not my thing really. Ochu was amazing. It was even compared to Aube, as there was mainly one sound source: wood. Branches, logs, plywood. I was at the balcony with a clear view to the stage, and it was hypnotic to watch. Also some funny moments, like Love trying to beckon his assistance with a flashlight, to stop rubbing the logs. He was too invested and didn't notice it. Or the cellphone causing surprise disturbances. Interestingly some said that the volume dropped occasionally from the other side of speakers, but I didn't notice it from up there. If the technical difficulties started during Ochu, they were on full force during Survival Unit. As a fanboy, it was of course great to see them on stage, but it was a mess. Unbalanced vocals, glitches, one sample seemed to bleed into incorrect song, the lights even went out on stage at one point and finally everything ended abruptly. Treriksröset was the only proper harsh noise act of the festival. The assemblance of pedals and cables took a while. Many said it was a good gig, but to my ears it sounded like they were trying to get their gear working properly. Or maybe it was just like what was meant to be and I was too tired or something. Anyway, dirty samples were thrown in so I liked the atmosphere and hopefully I'm able to catch them again at some point. I might be spoiled with all the recent events in Finland, but the warm-up club felt like a disappointment. Lust Fist was only one selling merchandise, there were delays and the ship venue was not my favorite either. It was dark as fuck inside and too hot. Ochu's excellent performance saved Thursday though.

Change of club the next day when the main event started. I was mainly interested of Lille Roger on Friday, and it was fucking great! Dirty industrial loops and echoed vocals. Not aggressive, just miserable and oppressive. Looked like the same kind of canvas set up as in Tower Transmissions. Interesting choice that added the claustrophobic feeling. I need to get that CD box now. About the other acts on Friday, apparently Ex.Order was highly appreciated with their sharp electronics. I have not listened them much, but for me it feels like it's somewhere in the middle ground: not atmospheric enough like Inade, but not harsh enough either. There seems to be quite a lot of hype around African Imperial Wizard, but as he was wearing a cone hat costume, we can't say if the guy is really from Angola hah. Music is not industrial at all, but tribal IDM, something I don't listen. I think the venue was an upgrade now, but it got really crammed around the merch tables and bar counter. And why the fuck music has to be blasted at deafening volumes during the breaks...

Saturday was the winner. Although it started with Blitzkrieg Baby. The title didn't raise much interests and it turned out to be goth disco EBM. Wtf. The most bizarre booking of the festival but maybe there was enough mixed audience for it. Control, Inade and Alfarmania & Proiekt Hat were the most anticipated acts for me and they all delivered! Control was strong and charismatic performance and it sounded like you would expect from the albums. There were tracks from excellent This Death. I absolutely loved Inade set, the live sound is heavy and massive but it delivered the same kind of tranquilizing atmosphere I get from albums. Next up Alfarmania & Proiekt Hat was a complete opposite of this: sick and evil noise accompanied with the backing images you can expect from Kristian Olsson! The 2017 Mannheim gig felt exceptionally good at the time, and if my memory serves me right, there was a long and somewhat mournful rhythmic part. This time it was more harsh and crude. Unique and strong stage presence as well. The items at Kristian Olsson's merch table seemed to sell out lightning fast. Anenzephalia did the same set as in Turku and sounded really good. The rock club lights didn't fit for the music, so I think the industrial hall of Turku suited better. Anyway there were enough powerful sets to make a trip to Stockholm worthwhile. Speaking of Stockholm itself, it was a long time since I've been there and had already forgotten how good local museums are. For example seeing Carl Larsson's Midvinterblot at Nationalmuseum.


Thanks for the report. Definetely sounds worthy ! Lucky you.

QuoteThe items at Kristian Olsson's merch table seemed to sell out lightning fast.

Did you manage to have a look at least ? What he had ? Anything new ? Or maybe Galme ? Someone to sell me this tape ?
"ἀθάνατοι θνητοί, θνητοὶ ἀθάνατοι, ζῶντες τὸν ἐκείνων θάνατον, τὸν δὲ ἐκείνων βίον τεθνεῶτες"


Quote from: Theodore on September 02, 2024, 12:28:12 PMThanks for the report. Definetely sounds worthy ! Lucky you.

QuoteThe items at Kristian Olsson's merch table seemed to sell out lightning fast.

Did you manage to have a look at least ? What he had ? Anything new ? Or maybe Galme ? Someone to sell me this tape ?

He had special/art editions of Final Solution's Half/Dead in a VHS box and some other similar item. Sold out tapes like Ur Ens Inre Exil and The Whip of Autocracy. New shirts and art prints. I think there was also new CD release by Dieter Müh.


Quote from: Manhog_84 on September 02, 2024, 11:22:40 AMDominion Of Flesh: 10 Years Of Cloister Recordings

Three nights of very varied heavy electronics. The warm-up event on Thursday was in a night club boat. Lust Fist started as a replacement for Detonation Day, both acts unknown to me. It was pretty much "traditional pe": flanged vocals, synth mats, balaclavas etc. It actually sounded nice but the white blouse + commando mask looked a bit silly combination. XAL was Mollusk King, Am Not + third person. Am Not is more interesting project of these two but this was not my thing really. Ochu was amazing. It was even compared to Aube, as there was mainly one sound source: wood. Branches, logs, plywood. I was at the balcony with a clear view to the stage, and it was hypnotic to watch. Also some funny moments, like Love trying to beckon his assistance with a flashlight, to stop rubbing the logs. He was too invested and didn't notice it. Or the cellphone causing surprise disturbances. Interestingly some said that the volume dropped occasionally from the other side of speakers, but I didn't notice it from up there. If the technical difficulties started during Ochu, they were on full force during Survival Unit. As a fanboy, it was of course great to see them on stage, but it was a mess. Unbalanced vocals, glitches, one sample seemed to bleed into incorrect song, the lights even went out on stage at one point and finally everything ended abruptly. Treriksröset was the only proper harsh noise act of the festival. The assemblance of pedals and cables took a while. Many said it was a good gig, but to my ears it sounded like they were trying to get their gear working properly. Or maybe it was just like what was meant to be and I was too tired or something. Anyway, dirty samples were thrown in so I liked the atmosphere and hopefully I'm able to catch them again at some point. I might be spoiled with all the recent events in Finland, but the warm-up club felt like a disappointment. Lust Fist was only one selling merchandise, there were delays and the ship venue was not my favorite either. It was dark as fuck inside and too hot. Ochu's excellent performance saved Thursday though.

Change of club the next day when the main event started. I was mainly interested of Lille Roger on Friday, and it was fucking great! Dirty industrial loops and echoed vocals. Not aggressive, just miserable and oppressive. Looked like the same kind of canvas set up as in Tower Transmissions. Interesting choice that added the claustrophobic feeling. I need to get that CD box now. About the other acts on Friday, apparently Ex.Order was highly appreciated with their sharp electronics. I have not listened them much, but for me it feels like it's somewhere in the middle ground: not atmospheric enough like Inade, but not harsh enough either. There seems to be quite a lot of hype around African Imperial Wizard, but as he was wearing a cone hat costume, we can't say if the guy is really from Angola hah. Music is not industrial at all, but tribal IDM, something I don't listen. I think the venue was an upgrade now, but it got really crammed around the merch tables and bar counter. And why the fuck music has to be blasted at deafening volumes during the breaks...

Saturday was the winner. Although it started with Blitzkrieg Baby. The title didn't raise much interests and it turned out to be goth disco EBM. Wtf. The most bizarre booking of the festival but maybe there was enough mixed audience for it. Control, Inade and Alfarmania & Proiekt Hat were the most anticipated acts for me and they all delivered! Control was strong and charismatic performance and it sounded like you would expect from the albums. There were tracks from excellent This Death. I absolutely loved Inade set, the live sound is heavy and massive but it delivered the same kind of tranquilizing atmosphere I get from albums. Next up Alfarmania & Proiekt Hat was a complete opposite of this: sick and evil noise accompanied with the backing images you can expect from Kristian Olsson! The 2017 Mannheim gig felt exceptionally good at the time, and if my memory serves me right, there was a long and somewhat mournful rhythmic part. This time it was more harsh and crude. Unique and strong stage presence as well. The items at Kristian Olsson's merch table seemed to sell out lightning fast. Anenzephalia did the same set as in Turku and sounded really good. The rock club lights didn't fit for the music, so I think the industrial hall of Turku suited better. Anyway there were enough powerful sets to make a trip to Stockholm worthwhile. Speaking of Stockholm itself, it was a long time since I've been there and had already forgotten how good local museums are. For example seeing Carl Larsson's Midvinterblot at Nationalmuseum.

Can you say more about the Ochu set?  It sounds from what you say that it was amplified?  If so, how?

(Also, the Lille Roger cd set is amazing, highly recommended!)


Gutted I couldn't be in Stockholm this time. Lots of acts I hate having missed out on. I'm especially annoyed to have missed Alfarmania/Proiekt Hat once again. No big reveal on who is behind African Imperial Wizard then? Expected but a little bit disappointing.

I saw Ex.Order and Inade not so long ago in Berlin at the Loki Found. festival. Both were great. I am one of those who enjoy the high precision heavy electronics sound of Ex.Order both live and on record. Inade are amazing both on record and live too. Live I think the sheer volume makes one understand just how well-crafted and elegant their sounds actually are.


Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on September 03, 2024, 05:31:37 AMCan you say more about the Ochu set?  It sounds from what you say that it was amplified?  If so, how?
It was a three-piece for this performance. Combination of pre-recorded sounds on (mostly?) tape and lots of live fumbling & cracking of various types of wood. The live source sounds were looped and manipulated which created a nice blend with the prerecorded materials. The focus was definitely on the sounds produced in the moment.

Besides that an absolutely amazing set by Alfarmania + Proiekt Hat, somehow managing to perfectly walk the line between crude abrupt madness & hallucinatory psychedelic drift. Other noteworthy sets were Anenzephalia, Treriksröset, Lille Roger and Control.