Turned up just before 8 and spent an hour queuing to get in which meant that we missed Sewer Election and his mate, which I was quite keen to see. Walked in and Le Syndicat were onstage doing the most horrendous formless mash up of distorted hip hop beats and crap digital noise - bordering on pointless. Two double G&T's and £13s later, Con-Dom started. At first it was too quiet, but the sound gradually improved and by the end when Dando was joined by Mikko it sounded pretty damn great. Fairly tame performance though by his standards and I did find my mind starting to wander towards the end, but I would say this was a good gig. Went outside for a bit and Skullflower were already in full swing by the time I came back in. No Stefan Jaworzyn (surprise surprise), but he needn't to worry - they were shite. I'm sure in a smaller venue this would have stood a chance at sounding powerful, but in the big room of the Dome everything was lost and muddy. A shame. The fate of the evening was now hung on the shoulders of Ramleh - who have been notoriously hit and miss in the past, but thankfully they absolutely ripped the venue to shreds. Painfully loud at points and and you could obviously tell that that Mundy and DiFranco were loving it. Even DiFranco's bass sounded good tonight, which is one of the things that weakened their live shows in the past in my opinion.
Good atmosphere, lots of familiar friendly faces and a decent amount of women in the crowd too so not a complete sausage party like I anticipated. I am having fun at this festival so far - cheers to Steve and Pete.