I am extremely pleased to announce the beginning of Crown Tapes. A label focusing mainly on analog formats such as cassettes, tape loops, and vinyl.
For the first batch, I have 20 blank decaying Chandler cassette tapes. These tape loops are not meant to be pristine and pretty. Instead the "decaying" Chandler produces a warped 78 record sound, sometimes with the tape slowing itself and picking back up at different times. Each cassette was handmade using recycled cassettes, and each piece of tape was handled differently, so as a result each one produces its own warped sound. No two cassettes are the same. Record your own loops and see what interesting results you get!
Prices: Decaying Chandler $6 each.
Get two cassettes for $10!
Please email at:
hailthecrown@gmail.com to place your orders.
-Clean 6 second cassette loops
-Customized cassette loops.
Crown Tapes Guarantee:
Yes, these specific tapes are meant to slowly fall apart. Some times they'll last a year, some times they'll last 4 weeks. The Crown Tapes Guarantee is that if your tape breaks within a month starting from the day I sent it in the mail, I will make you a new one free of charge. Not all tapes will fall under the CTG.
Also Crown Tapes is also pleased to announce its first release. Crown Tapes along with Fusty Cunt, Nefarious Activities, Anabolic Dimensions, will be releasing the Winters in Osaka LP "Clandestine". Coming very soon!
Crown Tapes will also be starting up a tape loop release based series called Dying Last Words. Each release will be limited to 50, come with two tape loops, and have a handmade custom packaging as well. More info on the first release coming very soon!
Stay tuned to:
http://www.hailthecrown.tumblr.com for updates!