Ok, so who or where anybody don't respect what he is doing? Who don't respect this value? CROWLEY? I remind you that there are few interpretations CROWLEY's concept. Most people (not me) inteprets "Liber AL vel Legis-The Law is for All" different than you. Official interpretation is all freedom but only there where we don't limit freedom other person". Respect for what we are doing is the main value libertine world.
I don't understand your second "value". Who said or wrote that his subjective opinions MUST be viewed all the time? For me this isn't any value... Only two?
I see the lack of the respect in the actions of many people - is it my delusion or just different concept and understanding of term respect. This won't be the place to discuss that. The main point I was trying to show you all the time is that continent of "everything is relative - everyone can be anyone" value is weakening the human relation with art, music, literature (and with value itself, because this kind of view is just shouting that value isn't needed anymore, because everything is possible).
p.s. "everything what I say is totally subjective and has to be viewed like that all the time" - I had in mind that I'm talking only for myself, not for group of people or some kind of ideological source.
Exactly! Doubt is one of the main value in life of the men. If anybody boubts in god (his exist) for example this doesn't mean that this man destroys god or his belief in it. I say more, this doubt MAY strenghten his value. Of course may destroy too but this is unknown. We can not take certainty that doubt MUST destroy anything.
I agree with you here. But when a man thinks that everything is doubtful (because it's relative - it can be so or so), the ultimate doubt destroys it's main point - if everything is doubtful then nothing is doubtful. And when you start keeping yourself out of the judgment, you just can't have any values. You just become a little cheerful sissy, even with a dark background of nihilistic implications of such writers as J. Derrida or G. Deleuze.
Power electronics have never been an avant-garde, it was and is one of the consequences of avant-garde. I wrote about roots for postmodernism, and no doubt, avantgarde movements were direct reason appearing so called postmodernism. Where are you see plain establishment? In power electronics? :) What about libertines in this scene of power electronics? Do you share with them their views? Even if we consider power electronics as genre which doesn't have any relations with avantgarde and so called postmodernism, what do you say about artists from this scene who are nihilists?
Oh..this is totally out of discuss-area. I see it one way - you see it another.
I see plain establishment in sounds/aesthetics/techniques and I see new things coming in and I just don't like them. Maybe I'm being radically conservative about this, but..
The scene HAS relations with avantgarde AND postmodernism and I DON'T like how these relations, FOR TODAY, are effecting the scene itself.
And what about nihilists? Nihilism is not the main lineament of postmodernism OR avantgarde. Many writers, artists and musicians where nihilists when postmodernism even haven't been in zygote stage.
It's gone from me being accused of being anti people younger than myself to a debate over postmodernism. Can we just agree that this documentary sucks?
And yes we can agree with this totally and end this discussion, because it's just going to transform into pointless fight, when two of us will be shouting different opinions to each others face.