Currently starting out on Islands In The Net by Bruce Sterling, a cyberpunk novel which draws on some ideas of Hakim Bey and Bob Black/Zero Work stuff. I desperately wanted to read this as a teenager, but not nearly as excited now. Oh well.
Just trudged through ABC of Reading by Ezra Pound. The first couple (short) chapters had some worthwhile, immensely quotable statements about literature in general, which are mostly derived from his earlier, shorter and better pamphlet How To Read. It then gets really boring with translated Greek, Provencal, Troubadour etc. poetry, most of which I couldn't care less about. If you're interested in Pound and his views on literature, stick with How To Read.
Before that I read Dark Stars Rising by Shane Rupe, which my father got me for Christmas. Some pretty interesting interviews, although I noticed a number of factually impaired statements throughout, on the part of the interviewer as well as the interviewees. Perhaps footnotes with corrections could have been employed. All in all, a fairly eclectic mix of exploitation directors, actors, writers, artists, etc. that should all be familiar to the denizens of this board, taken from the archives of Headpress.