Recent biography of Finnish communist O.W. Kuusinen who exiled to Russia in 1918 and made a notable career in CPSU surviving Stalin's era and entering politbyro at Khrushchev's time.
The book is not based on new archive studies, so the base of the book seem to be in memoirs of his wife Aino ("Jumala syöksee enkelinsä") and Arvo "Poika" Tuominen as well as Kuusinen's writings. Perhaps because of that the book does not cover his last years when Kuusinen was at the height of his power at Soviet Union. Haven't read the Vihainen's book ("O.W. Kuusinen ja Neuvostoliiton ideologinen kriisi vuosina 1957-64") of his later years, perhaps I should check it next - as well as the memoirs of Aino Kuusinen and Arvo Tuominen.
Kuusinen's life until 1918 is also covered very lightly, I guess Paavolainen's biography of Väinö Tanner told more about Kuusinen's views of events 1917 than this book tells, hah. The author of the book says there is recent 900 page long French book of Kuusinen's early years. Sounds insane.
Anyway, nice look into life of a person who definitely is not only one of the most cold blooded Finnish politicians but also who became one of the most influental (internationally speaking) Finn.
This book: