4 New Tapes out on Kafkex Rex:
KR031 - Dead Body Collection - In Her Orbit I Was Burned.
C45, White Shell , 15 copies.
Forty-five minutes of yearning HNW by Dead Body Collection.
Side A is the best piece of HNW I have ever heard, full stop. It features the distinct bass heavy attack that many associate with D.B.C. but atop of this maelstrom are additional sounds which could be vocals, contact mic scrapes, junk sounds - I honestly don't know - BUT it sounds immense and utterly brilliant...like something that could be good or could be evil trying to break out!
Side B takes the bass heavy assault to the next level of brutality for some of the most heavy walls I have ever heard. The C45 length allows this wall to really sink in and push you down into depths unknown and is all the more magnificent for it!
KR032 - Traitors - Crepuscule.
C45, White Shell, 15 Copies.
Here we have 45 minutes of HNW inspired by crepuscule which is the moment in the day that is immediately following the sunset.
The sounds on this release present this idea perfectly. We have the ever present thunderous bass in the background, constantly looming and threatening to come forth and overwhelm the skittering static that dwells in the forefront of the mix...the fact that it never does is quite jarring and leaves one with a sense of existing in perpetual twilight - for forty five static minutes at least!
KR033 - Catholic - Selective Mutism.
C45, White Shell, 15 Copies.
Catholic presents a 45 minute HNW/ANW release themed around the little discussed condition of selective mutism.
Side A is titled "Elective Mutism" and is a 22 and a half minutes wall of hate filled bile towards cunts who can't appreciate that some people don't feel the need to flap their fucking traps 24/7.
Side B is titled "Selective Mutism" and is a 22 and a half minute of ultra quiet ambient noise wall mixed with selected room ambiance...and it hopes the silence between us makes you feel uncomfortable.
KR034 - I.W.N. - VII & VIII.
C45, White Shell, 10 Copies.
Infinite White Nothing present two slabs of HNW with an slight razor sharp experimental edge on this C45.
Side A is twenty two and half minutes of fast paced HNW that slashes with bursts of white noise and lacerates with pulses of high pitched square waves that pierce through the mix at irregular intervals.
Side B is a much more controlled wall that straddles the line between HNW, ANW and skittering static. This side has a long build up that culminates in a basic, almost punk like, repetitive two tone HNW riff that will bury itself in your head.
ONE TAPE - £4.00/£4.50
TWO TAPES - £7.00/£7.50
THREE TAPES - £ 10.00/£10.50
FOUR TAPES - £10.00/£10.50
that's buy three get one free!!
sound samples here;
http://soundcloud.com/kafkexrex/dbc-traitors-catholic-iwnTrades welcome...HNW preferable!