Die Kreuzen's October File is such a brilliant album. Track sequence is on the money. Flows perfectly. 40 minutes later, and it feels like it just started. A time flier. What Voi Vod could have maybe accomplished with a quality proggish album. I don't like the wording of that sentence, but October File feels like a lost Voi Vod album. Like it came out of nowhere, too. That's why I'd like some background and history around it in that upcoming book.
a few other worthwhile German HC bands: Aclys (the 1st album in particular), Acheborn (such an interesting and progressive album at the end), Zorn, Zann, Mine, The Men of Hell, Corrosive, Zelot, Golgatha, Graue Zellen. The Plot compilation. Not in that caustic realm and before that time, the Luzifers Mob 7" was a smoker. And ABC Diabolo - Last Intoxication of Senses is a top-10er of the 90s.
*what's the record for number of edits to a post?