Boxsets you would like to happen?

Started by RyanWreck, May 26, 2012, 04:12:39 AM

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Dr Alex

Quote from: SILVUM on May 26, 2012, 01:54:13 PM
CON-DOM - Sermons 3XCD (all the sermon wax, and an extra disc of material)

With loud [re]mastering!!

Taint - Victimology 1+2 2xCD
I still can't deal that I don't have Victimology cdr or tape.
I have Dau ghter: Victimology 2 on LP. One of my fave albums!!

Taint compilation of tracks from splits, singles, b-cards and various compilations!

Half Aborted

An Incapacitants CD of compilation appearances and singles would be great.


Would be nice to see a collection of the works of Robert Rental. Apart from the two singles and collaborative LP's there used to be a couple of "Demo" tapes floating about. I have one simply called "30" ... Another one that VOD could produce...


an In slaughter natives boxset would be nice


There is that 3CD set w/ the ISN part of the 'Mort aux vaches' w/ Deutsch Nepal, and some live stuff, though I suppose there could always be a bit more...


all their albums in one set would be great


CD Box Sets of:

Grey Wolves
Black Leather Jesus (No CDRs, just proper CDs)
Pain Jerk
Hands To
The Haters
Kapotte Muziek


666 volt battery noise retrospective set (heard something about rrr planning this a few years ago ...?)
skin crime
david gilden
more dead body love
dvd set of all episodes of death squad's 'the pain factory' show from SF public access

Zeno Marx

The Audio Drudge zines compiled into a book + 5CD set of the included cassettes.
"the overindulgent machines were their children"
I only buy vinyl, d00ds.


instagram: @ANTICITIZEN
telegram for updated list:

Zeno Marx

I only have a handful of Paul Kelday cassettes, but each one is top shelf in a unique, yet tied together way.  Thanks to ICR for its shortlived cassette reissue series in the 90s.  A properly done box set would be massive, but we can dream, can't we?  If not that, then a comprehensive bandcamp page of all his cassettes.  I'd like to think the masters still exist.  No thank you on a slice & dice reissue mindset.

This somewhat covers what he does:
One Dimensional was my portal into Paul's work and stands as one of the finest examples of 80's cold/minimal electronic music. Seemingly only armed with a synth, guitar and echo machine, Kelday is able to execute precise and darkly deliberate cosmic music. Unlike many cosmic electronic arists, Kelday seems less focused on free-form freak out vibes and more turned on to what can be accurately described ( by way of one of his tape titles) as a "Negative Hallucination". Evoking images of 2001: A Space Odyssey's monolith/void one moment and bringing to mind contemporary  noise act Wolf Eyes a moment later.
"the overindulgent machines were their children"
I only buy vinyl, d00ds.


Quote from: Leatherface on July 10, 2012, 01:37:26 PM
+ Mauthausen Orchestra - Gravitational Arch Of Sex  - cd box
I had actually been in contact with Zoppo about doing this as two volumes of 6-CD boxes before he died, but contact was reasonably fractured in the last while and then he died, so I guess it'll never happen.  It's a shame, because great as the Urashima reissues are, 99 copies don't really keep the music in print for very long.

I think CD boxsets are a great idea, and for large collections of music I still think the CD has its place as an excellent archival medium, but the up-front costs and risk that you have to take on in putting one together (never mind the mammoth task of compilig the music together coherantly in the first place) make them very difficult to do.  For example, it's been considered a couple of times doing a HAARE 10xCD boxset of old CDr releases with a couple of labels but always fell down....excellent as it would be, would lots of people pay £50+ for a reasonably small noise artist?  It's too big a risk, you cold be sitting for years until you came close to getting the money back, all the while not ebing able to move in yor house for the boxes!

impulse manslaughter


Continuation of my previous list, all on CDs:

Sutcliffe Jugend "We Spit On The Graves" on CDs (It still never happened)
Controlled Bleeding's Early Industrial-Noise Era
Schimpfluch label's releases (1988-1995)
Filth & Violence label's collection including 7" singles, tracks from compilations, selected albums etc.

We could think some more box sets according to various old school industrial-noise-PE-experimental labels.
I can't remember right now. My mind's stuck. Sorry.


Ok, i know that is going to happened (seperately) but i really wanted to see Grunt's early works on box set.
Just some words from a utopist..