(I'll move this comment elsewhere if the thread gets moved as per above comment, but will reply here for now)
Most of my listening is digital, be that spotify or stuff downloaded from bandcamp. I do buy some physical items, but that is rare, mostly due to to funds, and the physical items I do have are rarely played due to time constraints. That said, I really enjoy having my small collection, and each item means a lot to me. So having contextualised that-
I do listen to noise when working out. I find that 'thick' sounding PE of the Tesco variety is perfect for it, especially stuff like G.O. with clanking rhythmic metal/percussion elements. Even without though, the atmosphere just seems right for it- the notions of strength, might, Nietzschian overcoming, etc. This stuff is also perfect for walking around, either on a commute or just going for a stroll, especially if (as many of us do) you live somewhere pretty industrial and urban. If I lived in the countryside, I'd probably listen to more black metal or drone on walks.
I'm currently studying, and whenever I need to concentrate I nearly always find myself listening to Total Slitting Of Throats. I explained this to my wife as being because it feels like "amplified silence" and pretty much blocks out distraction with no 'hooks' in the sound which would cause a lapse in concentration. It also kinda lets me feel like I'm doing something I enjoy when working, because I'm a degenerate millennial with no attention span who cannot do one thing at a time.
I nearly always listen to music to fall asleep - I've recently found myself listening to Lussuria a lot for this purpose. I think because it is cinematic and has an escapist value to it. The feeling of narrative and atmosphere is an enjoyable think to fall asleep to.
Basically, I cram as much noise/music listening into my day as possible, because it's my favourite thing in the world, and the digital format makes that an easy thing to do. The magpie in me collects physical releases so that I can support friends' labels, have a finite physical item to go with particularly good releses, or to enjoy the artwork/item in a more tactile way, but it's not the be all and end all.