LOUD/LOUDER/LOUDEST episode 41 up for stream/download.
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http://www.mixcloud.com/mankdevo/loudlouderloudest-episode-41-071513/DOWNLOAD here:
Loud/Louder/Loudest episode 41
Monday 07/15/13 11pm-1:00am
PLAYLIST [Artist - Track - Album - Format (Label, Year of Issue)]:
Sorcerer Torturer - Smello My Yellow / Vomit On Shit / Massive Bug Slime - split w/Good Times - digital (DYT/DYI, 2012)
Deterge - Deuterium - Summer Scum 2 compilation - digital (??, 2013)*
Hostage Pageant - untitled track 2 - split w/Deceiver - digital (Human Beard Records, 2011)
Breaking The Will - Hill - Summer Scum 2 compilation - digital (??, 2013)*
Gnawed - untitled - Summer Scum 2 compilation - digital (??, 2013)*
Seal Team 666 - Panther Tab - Watchers From The Abyss - digital (Grindcore Cinema, 2013)
Striations - They Say - Summer Scum 2 compilation - digital (??, 2013)*
Orgasmic Response Unit & Hostage Pageant - untitled - Summer Scum 2 compilation - digital (??, 2013)*
Magia Nuda - Paura - Summer Scum 2 compilation - digital (??, 2013)*
Waves Crashing Piano Chords - And Then I Cum - It Turns Me On Because It Shouldn't - digital (no label, 2013)
Murderous Vision - Flagellants - Live September 1st 2012 - digital (no label, 2012)
Stress Orphan - One Finger Rotting Faster Than The Others - SuxBySuxWest 3 Compilation - digital (Free Music Archive, 2013)
Breached Hull - live - Summer Scum 2012 - digital (no label, 2012)
Swallowing Bile - What Made Me? - Geoffrey - digital (Supremacy Temple, 2013)
Sifting Through Droppings For Nutrients - Decaying Machines - Sifting Through Droppings For Nutrients - digital (Prime Eggsample, 2012)
Strangled Cop - Fuck Your Accountability Contest, I Want To See A Murder Contest - Above The Law Demo - digital (no label, 2012)
Oxygen Starvation - Stasis - not on an album - digital (no label, 2012)
Drums Like Machine Guns - Big Titties and Bellies / Olneyville Voodoo / Flappy Action Packers - Best Summer Ever (Faux Fetus Collective, 2009)
Bereft – Searching For Relevancy - First Degree Of Separation - CS (Truculent Recordings, 2004)
Ferveur Noire – untitled side A - Working Girl - CS (Alienated Hominid Recordings, 2007)
Ahlzagailzehguh - Finish The Job - Disrupting Resistance - CS (Monorail Trespassing, 2005)
Skin Graft - untitled side A - In Cracked Cement - CS (THIRDSEX, 2012)
John Mannion - Inductance / Tesla / Electromagnetism - Electromagnetism - CDR (no label, 2007)
Scant - untitled side B - Face Without A Name - CS (Compulsion Rites, 2012)