The scent of packages

Started by KMusselman, October 14, 2012, 06:11:03 AM

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So, today I get a package in the post from the Humberstone twins in Sheffield, England.  It smells damp and musty.  Don't you just love that?!  It really adds to the music and overall experience.  Share YOUR scents from International packages or just packages in general.


Ha ha, I can relate to this. It applies more to printed material but the first F&V tape I bought had a really odd smell to it. It was just the printing, not anything 'special', it just stuck out in my mind for some reason.


My favorites are old Spastik Soniks tapes. They look AND smell something I always time travel back to mid 90's when first getting them. It's most of all paint, but very pungent, very harsh smell. Not some cheap spray, but much heavier.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com

Jaakko V.

Cloama's first tape came packed in a rotten liver...

So to prevent the post officers etc. from being suspicious with the smelling package, he decided to drench the whole meat and the package in men's deodorant – great idea!

I think he got some hate mail from offended customers.


I believe that Lee IFOTS's old label Experimental Seafood had releases basted in fish juices... this is only what I heard as I never got to own any of them but the source was reliable. Lee to confirm, I guess!

Jaakko V.

Quote from: martialgodmask on October 14, 2012, 06:03:12 PM
I believe that Lee IFOTS's old label Experimental Seafood had releases basted in fish juices... this is only what I heard as I never got to own any of them but the source was reliable. Lee to confirm, I guess!

After the episode with the liver, Jasse/Cloama started talking about buying big enough fishes to contain his next tapes, also... Haha. Never happened though.


Who are the Humberstone twins in Sheffield, England?


I've received plenty of packages that smell of cigarette smoke.


Quote from: Peterson on October 15, 2012, 01:13:16 AM
Swedes always win the award for my favorite packages. Just something really intimate about them. Delicate handling/wrapping, usually in attractively textured brown paper, and beautiful, intricate illustrations on the stamps. And the smell is similarly hard to pinpoint, nostalgic to a time never passed.

Tommy C. sent a tape wrapped in a pic of some gal at a cafe being grossed out at some fat guy's ass crack, haha. Along those same lines, Mr. Concrete Mascara sent me one in a pic of Ichi The Killer, didn't realize what it was 'til I saw the film later.

I can't say much about the smell but apart from looking at weird stamps, stickers etc. my favorite part of ordering stuff is that personal flavor, when the sender selects a special photocopy image to fold around the tape, writes a personal letter etc. I should do that more often when I'm sending things out. I've recieved some real classics in the past.


Quote from: Salamanauhat on October 14, 2012, 06:07:52 PM
Quote from: martialgodmask on October 14, 2012, 06:03:12 PM
I believe that Lee IFOTS's old label Experimental Seafood had releases basted in fish juices... this is only what I heard as I never got to own any of them but the source was reliable. Lee to confirm, I guess!

After the episode with the liver, Jasse/Cloama started talking about buying big enough fishes to contain his next tapes, also... Haha. Never happened though.

I remember, it was end of 90's or begining of 00's, but before the 11.09.2001, I tried to be mail art artist. One day I sent to Tom Saivon (main face of Czechian Ars Morta Universum) a package with plenty of releases. I enclosed a real heart of pig... Unfortunately, he was seriously contaminated during opening it and he had to go to hospital for several days. He didn't listen even those releases, all were broken in this rotten meat... Sometimes a man does stupid things... in the pride of art....


I like it when my stuff comes wrapped in a local newspaper, really pleased when it is the sports pages! Catch up on the Bundesliga or look for bargains in the Lille Aldi etc. Japanese crosswords a little difficult though ... I agree that the Scandinavians know how to package the goods. I collect their stamps and frame that sad or mail art?

On smelly releases - didn't Smell & Quim start this off by posting tapes in semen or having little fishes in plastic bags tapes to the tape box? Vague memories of this happening 20 odd years ago.   

online prowler

In the late 80s - early 90s there was a change in the smell of tape covers on some record companies. Why, I don't know. It might have something to do with a change in inlay paper or the print colors. I distinctly remember buying the Kiss CS "Hot in the shade" and the inlay smelling of fresh puke. Sadly, most of the song material on this record was equal to the smell.


I liked the smell of incense which came with my copies of Azazelin Tähti booklets and Baphomet statue.

Cranial Blast

I've gotten some packages which smell heavily of cigarette smoke and not judging, as I use to smoke cigarettes heavily for many years.
I've also gotten packages from Noise Nazi that smell draped in incense. This is a funny question, but one that clearly deserves some merit, haha.


There is a certain funk from the vomited rosary included in the BU bootleg OMM put out