I seem to be writing many messages of this topic... but what can you say? Menche keeps delivering!
DANIEL MENCHE "Primal Fictions" LP
Info on the LP is minimal. All it has is artist and track names. Internet gives you details that it was recorded and mixed Fall and Winter of 2020. Field Recording, Strings , Oscillators, Noises, Artwork put together by Daniel Menche. Its two c. 20 minute long pieces and barely -NOISE-. It has some noises, like clanging metal objects, some restless moments of oscillations. Mostly this is very calm, highly textured, slowly moving and droning pieces. Really neat and well recorded sounds. Vinyl cut is good, so there doesn't seem to be significant surface noise or added distortion. All plays with really high fidelity sound. Almost orchestral soundscapes are total ear-candy, and despite I was going to say it relies far more into creation of texture than "composition" in musical sense, there is indeed carefully orchestrated way Primal Fiction starts, and how it flows forward.
I am guessing one can listen this at the Menche bandcamp or something, but for physical album listeners, Ferns LP edition is very much recommended!