late reply but still:
kake displayed AMAZING recording skills when i helped mixing his first albums... he had this whole universe of sounds and pause-edits on a 4trak tape machine, told me he had to do a part here, then down to the basement to do a part there, then back upstairs, then back downstairs if the part repeated... etc etc... and on some tracks on the 1st lp "mitä otat mukaasi sivistyksestä" we hooked up a mike and some devices, then played the 4trak, then added stuff on the fly, and that went to the album... later he got a "computer" (late 90's) that "helped him a lot"... oh man, that was a stinky 386 pc with windows95, Cakewalk 4 and some integrated soundblaster soundcard... he had to mute all tracks except the one he would work on, then render the output (15min for a few minutes of audio) and hope it sounds ok. if not, then start again. here we have a saying that kinda goes "climbing the tree with your ass first" (last year i set up a "new" used pc for him, which he had received from his brother's business, 1.8Ghz with 1GB ram, all kindsa audio tools installed a la reaper + plugins, but which he still hasn't even plugged in)
and, like all healthy humans, he also likes DEVO!!
so as a guide to his material: early til 1st LP = 4trak, noisy.. after that = "more modern", not so noisy, more arabian/eastern sounding, still very strange but not so in-the-red.... until this last album "laskeutumisalusastia" (2011) which is again angry and noisy, at least noisier than few previous.. but noisy or not, its pretty idiosyncratic stuff like no-one does.