Beaten up, because of your project?

Started by SNR, June 14, 2013, 01:11:05 AM

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ps: anyway I am sorry what happened to you.
I remember something similar happened to the challenge of honour guy in leipzig. not to mention the MASSIVE attack the guys of camerata mediolanense in bern, theygot all their stuff trashed and they won the trial against these antifas... Although I am not for involving pigs and lawyers in these matters for once I have been very happy that justice made it and I hope these cunts pay every penny (being Swiss they won't have problems on that).
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Noise must be pretty popular in hungary

Andrew McIntosh

The worst thugs usually try to justify themselves. There's always an excuse.
Shikata ga nai.


... It was not the first, nor the second reason to write here this stuff, because I wanted to make myself a 'poor innocent victim' or some shit like that, but more because, to know other similar cases of things like what happened with me, by other artists. Just to make my point about that part of the discussion.. Anyway, thanks to everybody for the sympathy about the accident.


Some years back, during my set in a pub where regulars as well as (hardly any) gig-goers were in attendance, an old lady took her shoe off and (lightly) hit me with it yelling "stop it! stop it!" :D

andy vomit

sucks, man.  hope you're ok. 

i never got beaten up, but i played with a noisecore band for one show many many years ago..  there was a public skatepark in our town, and we noticed there was power hooked up outside, so we went there, set up and played a guerrilla set to an extremely annoyed group of skateboarders.  we started fucking with them and getting confrontational (no violence, not even the intent of violence, we were just being annoying 18 year old kids) ... eventually one of 'em took a huge fucking rock and threw it at my van, shattering the windshield..  they all took off, we hopped in my van and drove around town for an hour looking to beat the fuck out of these kids, but we never found them..  i guess i can't say i didn't deserve it, we were being assholes...  doesn't mean i wasn't bullshit about it though.

someone actually called the cops (not us), and we'd gotten the whole thing on video, so we showed it to them..  they looked at me, laughed, and said "jesus, you're lucky you didn't get your fucking ass kicked.  that was pretty shitty of you guys, i don't blame them."


Quote from: Cementimental on June 14, 2013, 03:52:08 PM
an old lady took her shoe off and (lightly) hit me with it yelling "stop it! stop it!" :D
That image has brightened my day, thank you.


Quote from: Si Clark on June 14, 2013, 05:24:49 PM
Quote from: Cementimental on June 14, 2013, 03:52:08 PM
an old lady took her shoe off and (lightly) hit me with it yelling "stop it! stop it!" :D
That image has brightened my day, thank you.

I was there. She wasn't actually that old. Mid 30's maybe but very drunk and determined to stop the music. She protested loudly from the start and no one listened. She pleaded with the bar staff and was ignored. She pulled the lead to one of the PA stacks and someone reconnected it. She eventually went up to Tim and whacked him over the nead with her shoe. He looked quie shocked while the rest of the place fell on the floor laughing hysterically. A bit like the scene from Life of Brian when Pilate offers to "weleese wodgah". It's in my top 20 of funniest things I've seen.

Otherwise there's no violent reaction to such things here in the UK. Not anymore. People don't give a shit. If they should disapprove enough they'll just moan about it on the internet. That's what this once great conquering nation who ruled half the world has been reduced to. There's a great photo of Grey Wolves playing to an empty room bar one old guy in a typical working mans club function room sometime in the 90's. When they were finished he came up to them and asked for drugs.
Först när du blottar strupen ska du få nåd, ditt as...


There were several things on all Concerts, where different Opinions trash each other. Mostly here with RAC V. Punk or Metal or Foreigners vs. Germans. Its easy to put it inot a Musical Contex, since Concerts and Huntings after Concerts were used several Times. So, no big Surprises.


Quote from: GEWALTMONOPOL on June 14, 2013, 05:48:20 PM
She wasn't actually that old. Mid 30's maybe but very drunk and determined to stop the music.
I was imagining a short old woman with curly grey hair and a walking stick...


Yeah, she wasn't all that old I suppose. :) Funny show, also Sam got naked during his set and the bouncer threatened to take him outside and beat him up if he didn't get dressed again. :)


The most I got was a jostling - few kicks and shoves - for playing with Cementimental once.  Maybe Tim is the epicenter of all mild noise violence in the UK?



They're a duo named Astronoise and have been operating since the 90's.

This was one of their recent gigs in Korea. (Sete Star Sept played this night)

Choi was breaking some of the venues property as a performance and he got to the point of

bashing his junk metal to the amp. The owner of the venue got mad at him and started beating him up. (around 13min)

Funny thing is that the other guy didn't even know the beating was happening because of all the noise they were making

Dr Alex

I never had similar problem but owners of one venue in Belgrade banned my future show because of violence on the stage and pile of broken glasses.

Once, one guy wanted to stab me in the park in Belgrade because of Mayhem shirt. I was young and scarred. :)


must've loved Varg.

anywho, I've gotten death threats for participating in things like Artists Against Misandry.

a couple of wannabe thugs in the SOSF clique wanted to give me a beatdown because I was socially akward around a girl in their clique. I made a dirty joke and she took it the wrong way. cowards all of them. oh and they also didn't like me because I dug black metal. which is funny because that's all they listen to now. it used to be "oh only goth faggots listen to black metal". maybe they should take that up with Caller Of The Storms and see what happens. dumb straight-edge jocks.