Support them or not

Started by FreakAnimalFinland, August 30, 2013, 05:26:56 PM

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I get sick of reading a lot of ill researched bullshit accusatory shit (what's quoted) , what we can and can't listen to. I'm not interested in extreme right or left political ideologies they are self serving and pointless, I try to be good to the environment, animals, vegan, treat people equally and not screw people over. But when I read a post like the one quoted I get an unbearable urge to listen to the bands listed because I'll listen to what I want to.

impulse manslaughter

Just got a few Skrewdriver records. Most RAC is just horrible and i'm not interested in NSBM or outfits like Deathkey.. It's mostly the same old empty slogans and images.

fin de siècle

After our friends of the Antifa successfully managed to cancel the Der­nière Volonté concert in Berlin (which was supposed to take place in the club "Urban Spree", 7th September 2013), they have now great ambitions to follow up with the forthcoming Der­nière Volonté concert in Mannheim by posting the outcome of their comprehensive research concerning other bands accompanyinng the event (see last post on the bottom): "Ich kenne die schwedische Band zwar nicht, aber diverse Foren lassen nur erahnen, was das für Leute sind ( (" ... oh, yes, evil, evil buddhist swastica! But my favorite insight is the image gallery on the bottom of the main article, stating "Kon­zer­tan­kün­di­gung mit SS-Totenkopf: ,,Of the Wand & the Moon", Bi Nuu, April 2013" relating to a photo of the OTWATM band leader with a Totenkopf Mickey Mouse T-Shirt ... this is felicitous self-mockery : )

cipher chris

Does that make EE2 a Nazi rally too?  I didn't really pick you for a hatemonger, Stefan. :)


Quote from: fin de siècle on September 03, 2013, 01:46:20 PM
"Kon­zer­tan­kün­di­gung mit SS-Totenkopf: ,,Of the Wand & the Moon", Bi Nuu, April 2013" relating to a photo of the OTWATM band leader with a Totenkopf Mickey Mouse T-Shirt

sad about the gig beingcancelled, also since knowing the people involved in person it is even sadder how far the tought police can go again  away from the truth.
When you have people with no personal consciousness these are the result, and it's funny to see they are the first ones to blame the system for censorship, human rights, etc.

Of course, once you provoke you must be ready to face consequences, but we are talking about two of the least" dangerous projects around, with a strongly romantic atmosphere, etc..

are they also blaming TXRXPX now??? how stupid is that?

instagram: @ANTICITIZEN
telegram for updated list:


Blaming others is Easy. So they do. And even if there are Discussions about it, the Work is done. If a Band have a Image, you can't change it afterwards at all. Thats the Interesting Point in the whole. Its absolute no Problem to Blame someone for Something, but is a Fucking Hell to relate this afterwards.

Some People say, its like the Witche Hunts and it is.

I don't think that Anti Nazi Spreaders are Stupid. In Contrary, they are Intelligent. Use as less Info as Possible with the Greatest Affect you can get. Even Local politics used this Anti Nazi Shit with Cancellling Concerts. It was an Allerseelen Concert and btw. Allerseelen Music is also played on a "Verfassungsschutz Informations Data" CD about Right Winged next to Soundsamples of Landser, Kraftschlag and others. So, it is Official from the Government that Allersellen = Neo Nazi without using any Word about it. Just playing the Music at the right (winged) Place.  Great, or?


Regarding wanna be censors. There are smart ones and stupid ones as in every path of life.
There have been people questioning before shows that were ok and had lots of fun once they broke their sense of guilt  and we got to know each other better since they actually cared about listening the music, read the lyrics and meet the people, something almost none of these people do... and others that react in pavlovian reflex.

I still think the worst thing happened to camerata mediolanense, when Bern self-claimed justice league attacked the venue without noticing that the singer is a gay-bear (actually there with his boyfriend), and the rest of the project were family-people. I was gutted when it happened.

all expensive gear (and club) got trashed, but gladly some of these got arrested and had to pay all the expenses etc. I am not a big fan of legal justice since I had my degree of problems with it and I think jail, etc are NEVER solutions for teenagers - unless for very dodgy crime -, but for once I was happy to contradict myself and was quite glad to know the hammer of the blind goddes crushed the culprit.

Thing is, whoever does extreme stuff should always bear in mind that going against the world does not include being enjoyed by everybody and social antibodies could always react violently, be this the legal system istelf or different form of liberal/conservative-minded people.

It is not a matter of communism, antifas, fascists, christians... these behaviours are mostly common feauture of people with low self-esteem with a lot of time to spend on the internet, often getting money to fund social trusts/university studies/etc need a reason to exist (no nazis/no money/no books published/no university work/no party) and whose fire power is often made of young idealist good-doers that have no time to get deeper into things and understand contraddictions, ambiguities, etc.

It happened with many cultural expressions (more relevant than underground ones), whenever a boundary was reached, a holy cow was shot and an old taboo broken, and as usual with age, those who were once victims turn into overzealous slaughters. we might become as well in a few years, who knows?

what can you do? be always prepared for the worst, never excuse yourself, never explain yourself too much to them -they are going to use your words against you- , always keep in mind they have no authority on you and you owe them nothing. if they attack fight back, if they shut down a gig, well that is sad. It is always good anyway to show when they lie in your own terms. contraddict their lies in your own term in interviews, your own web sites, etc.

Just look at the protesters outside the london gigs last year... nature has already been cruel to them, the maximum you could do offer them a tea and pat their shoulders.
instagram: @ANTICITIZEN
telegram for updated list:

Piety and Iron

I want to make only small observation about Nazi imagery but it is a small observation relating to concept of the uncomfortable in artwork and noise generally.

And actually it may be naive comment to a certain degree, but I fond that most interesting thing of many of these shocking artworks in scene is related to the idea of making people feel uncomfortable. I find that personally I do not pay that much attention to the real ideologies that may be behind certain images and where they came from but I am more interested in the idea that when I see something shocking it has the effect of challenging the normal condition of social life.

A good example of artwork in most recent times, Iron Fist of the Sun is perfect example. It takes a contemporary icon of Diana and repeats many times over and over with no statements. It is perfect for giving impression of uncertainty. What is the meaning? Is it OK to look at this image? Is it sensitive? is it a good thing? Is it a bad thing? What is the ideology?

So many questions. I think this is very intelligent way to play with media icon images. But as for the Nazi question. The line between those who may submit to Nazi ideology and those who use images to reflect against media effect in society is something I do not know about with any great accuracy.

If there is some intelligent useage I would accept the artistic principle.


Quote from: fin de siècle on September 03, 2013, 01:46:20 PM

After our friends of the Antifa successfully managed to cancel the Der­nière Volonté concert in Berlin (which was supposed to take place in the club "Urban Spree", 7th September 2013), they have now great ambitions to follow up with the forthcoming Der­nière Volonté concert in Mannheim by posting the outcome of their comprehensive research concerning other bands accompanyinng the event (see last post on the bottom): "Ich kenne die schwedische Band zwar nicht, aber diverse Foren lassen nur erahnen, was das für Leute sind ( (" ... oh, yes, evil, evil buddhist swastica! But my favorite insight is the image gallery on the bottom of the main article, stating "Kon­zer­tan­kün­di­gung mit SS-Totenkopf: ,,Of the Wand & the Moon", Bi Nuu, April 2013" relating to a photo of the OTWATM band leader with a Totenkopf Mickey Mouse T-Shirt ... this is felicitous self-mockery : )

Yes, the concert featuring Trepaneringsritualen, Darkwood, Dogpop, and Derniere Volonte was cancelled. I'm afraid I couldn't undestand the link. Which band was the problem with? It would've been a good concert, and I had thought of going over, but a flight from Ireland for one night...? Probably a bit much. Nonetheless, I'm sure some people had made expensive travel arrangements.


You can cut & paste the text and get rough idea what it's about.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


Thanks for the tip. The Bing thing wasn't great, so I just got the missus to translate most of it in the end. Seems like a German version of whomakesthenazis w/ all the 'guilt' by association and a few leaps and bounds of logic. I do wonder, however, how come there wasn't any fuss about the Tesco festival last year w/ more noisy 'power industrial' acts like Genocide Organ, Operation Cleansweep, Anenzaphalia etc.? Surely the same leaps of logic and 'guilt' by association would get you to a similar conclusion? Are these bands less 'popular' and therefore more under the radar for the hysterical left? I hadn't thought neo-folk was that popular, either. Maybe it's just a nice soft target for them to get worked up over. Pah!


Torn between 1 and 2, I opted for #1.  While ultimately, "the music is the thing", it just seems that artists that employ this type of content always seem to deliver.  Was just blown away this morning by Mauthausen Orchestra's "Dedicated to J Goebbels", which inspired me to seek out more from them.


Quote from: burdizzo on October 11, 2013, 12:24:19 AM
Thanks for the tip. The Bing thing wasn't great, so I just got the missus to translate most of it in the end. Seems like a German version of whomakesthenazis w/ all the 'guilt' by association and a few leaps and bounds of logic. I do wonder, however, how come there wasn't any fuss about the Tesco festival last year w/ more noisy 'power industrial' acts like Genocide Organ, Operation Cleansweep, Anenzaphalia etc.? Surely the same leaps of logic and 'guilt' by association would get you to a similar conclusion? Are these bands less 'popular' and therefore more under the radar for the hysterical left? I hadn't thought neo-folk was that popular, either. Maybe it's just a nice soft target for them to get worked up over. Pah!
Genocide Organ ect have had Many Problems in the Past, but its like Tidal Wave. Sometimes all went without any Problems (like last Blood Axis Gigs or Death in June) other Time the Newspapers are full of Idiotism about Concerts like that


The problem with martial music is it attracts a lot of queer uniform fetishists who get off on the irony and in their spare time listen to gay anarchopunk and secretly support antifa whether they want to admit it or not. I had one such fellow who actively took offense to my offhand use of slurs and the fact I had ties to the MRM. Fuck him and everyone like him.


Quote from: jesusfaggotchrist on October 15, 2013, 02:44:04 AM
The problem with martial music is it attracts a lot of queer uniform fetishists who get off on the irony and in their spare time listen to gay anarchopunk and secretly support antifa whether they want to admit it or not. I had one such fellow who actively took offense to my offhand use of slurs and the fact I had ties to the MRM. Fuck him and everyone like him.

I won't even bother . . .