Svartvit - Svartvit is a Dutch harsh noise project from Boxtel who now relocated to Den Haag that was started in 2008 by sound artist Kevin Jansen. Through the years the project has evolved both in presentation and sound. Starting of as a very monotonous study in textural noises it has turned into a direct channeling of anger, frustration and the questioning of modern day society through sound & performance. Svartvit takes influences from a wide spectrum including but definitely not limited to; Vienna Aktionism, socio-political topics, underground punk music, Russian constructivism as well as his contemporaries like Sword Heaven, The Rita, Prurient & Vomir. The result is a very personal and emotional presentation of a troubled mind, overtaking and often physical. Everything is presented with a down to earth approach that takes its ethics from a background in DIY punk culture & Anarchism.
Releases have appeared on labels all over the world on CD, Cassette and Vinyl. Through the years Svartvit has built quite a reputation for himself. Aggressive and spectacular live shows that aren't to be missed, appearing all over Europe, keeping up with a quite fanatical touring schedule.
Yol is a Hull based artist working in audio, visuals and performance who took me by storm with a handful of releases that sound like nothing else going on in the UK underground currently. Utterly engaging and ferocious sound that avoids any of the clichés or hallmarks of harsh noise or power electronics. Demented vocals ranging from the most fierce howls and gurgles to equally disturbing and bleakly amusing snippets of crystal clear though no less unstable and bizarre words, which are deftly accompanied by appropriately primitive scraping and bashing of various objects.
Mel O' Dubshlaine - "spiky, squirming surrealism played on bizarre cross-pollinated hybrid instruments" - Radio Free Midwich
Chipshop Slappers - are a pair of morons
£4 entry