SLEAZE FIEND zine issue #1. Got 5 copies up for sale. Half-sized, printed in black and white, and over 40 pages in length. I contributed an article on scuzzy Brazilian 1980's XXX flicks.
https://www.facebook.com/SleazeFiendMagazine"The first issue of the new A5 digest zine Sleaze Fiend showed up in my mailbox yesterday, and having had a chance to go through it I found it quite an enjoyable and entertaining read, written with genuine enthusiasm and appreciation for the topics at hand. Featuring some original art by Mischka Ann and lots of great old exploitation ad mats and poster art, the debut issue of Sleaze Fiend traverses such subjects as the birth of VHS, a tribute to David (Last House on the Left) Hess, a six-page review of the 2012 Maniac remake, kung-fu grindhouse cinema, David Cronenberg, Brazillian XXX films, a look at the films of Charles Manson follower Bobby Beausoleil, and the infamous 1976 sex/horror roughie Hardgore.
It's always nice to see a new old-school print zine appear, and with John Walter Szpunar's recent tome Xerox Ferox rekindling an interest in the subject amongst many, Sleaze Fiend should hopefully find enough of an audience to keep it going for a while. If you like Robin Bougie's Cinema Sewer you will probably dig this."
http://john-harrison.blogspot.com.au/2014/01/sleaze-fiend.htmlPRICES(Postage included and sent 1st Class postage)
USA: $7.50
CANADA: $12.65
Send a message if you liked to buy a copy