Feminism is just one of those things. Some days I fucking despise feminism and it's annoying followers who bitch about inane shit which isn't real, or other days I feel sympathy for feminism and I even call myself a feminist. It switches, but feminists surely don't like me, especially after that last thing I said. You know, if there's one thing that's really annoying, it's the sorts of things feminists bitch about. Whether it be "rape culture" (which fyi, we're human beings and that's something that happens, because we're animals and not all animals are programmed by the law. It's sad but true), or them fucking saying men are spreading their legs on the train taking up 2 seats, to not moving out of the way on the side walk when women walk by. Sometimes they really piss me off, with the endless spew of shit they come up with to blame on guys, and stuff.
Then other days, idk. I just feel like I like feminism, maybe because they support feminine guys and transgender people. You ever seen a cute feminine guy? If you thought they were as cute as I do you'd say fuck gender norms too, you know what I mean? I guess I am all for that part of feminism, the part of it where they say that you shouldn't judge people based on their birth sex, or say that all males should be masculine and stuff. That's cool with me, and I don't really mind the whole anti rape thing, or the whole thing where they're anal about not getting hit on at all. Yeah I can see why people think feminism sucks, maybe I think feminism sucks too. It's just... I'd be alienating myself automatically from the feminists if I said I like them, because I know I'm scum in their eyes just for thinking what I think. They'll kick you from their community if you think differently. I know that I'm much more different from most people too though. I always seem to be pissing people off, always seem to be banned from forums, making people in real life feel uncomfortable around me. I like people who are nice to me and try to be my friend and be cool with me, but in general just fuck people, you know what I mean? I'm a loving, caring person to people if they try to be nice to me.
Man... I know this isn't my blog or whatever, but I just can't stand people sometimes. Not as in I hate people like I think they all suck, but I just generally don't trust people in general, you know? People in general are so drunk off their own opinion and they'll literally judge you no matter what you do. It's inescapable, you will be judged by another human being and the judgment will be so totally fucking arbitrary, and there's nothing you can do. I'm trapped in this world, and there's only one way out, and that one way out will rob me of my opportunity to love and enjoy life. I don't wanna do that, but it's sad to me, you know? I know that I've gone on for long enough, but sometimes I just don't want to stop talking. I'll leave it there.