General butthurt & pc faggotry etc

Started by Brad, October 31, 2011, 03:23:08 PM

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online prowler

Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 24, 2013, 11:43:25 PM
Quote from: online prowler on January 24, 2013, 07:17:02 PM
Wolves in Oslo area.

Last days a debate in the public has raged weather or not they are to be put to death in a controlled action.

Are the wolves near farmland or a city? How many wolves are estimated to be in the area- I'd assume they'd only allow a small # to be culled, right? Not a out n' out slaughter.

The two wolves, apparently hailing from Sweden are located in the woods - Østmarka - Oslo, and are probably crossing county boarders to-and-fro between Oslo and its neighbor Akershus county. There's been some talk in the public forums about having them put to death buy professional hunters, but so far (haven't bothered to follow this too close to be honest) the situation is at an halt. I will try to keep notice and report to the cadre any proceedings. Regards   


Musician Anna von Hauswolff (yes, daughter of the jew-ash-painter above) gets slagged by the Swedish PC twitter mob for sporting a Burzum shirt.


Quote from: ARKHE on January 31, 2013, 01:47:56 PM

Musician Anna von Hauswolff (yes, daughter of the jew-ash-painter above) gets slagged by the Swedish PC twitter mob for sporting a Burzum shirt.

But I think that is part of the fun. I'm mean if any hipster (god bless them) can wear any t-shirt and nothing means anything ot anyone nomore at least they deserve a PC-bashing. Like people have always been getting. I mean it is a kind of weakness to be accepted by liberals.

online prowler


Heard on the radio today that one of the wolves have been shot. Apparently the wildlife department as an extension of the Norwegian government had sanctioned an approval for termination. The decision was founded in a vote the government made earlier that Norway should not have a tribe of wolves. According to the radio a group of 70 - 100 professional hunters participated in the hunt, circling in the lone wolf a couple of days ago, before they got final clearance this afternoon - 4pm - to fire.   


I have no wellgrounded opinion on th wolf issue only emotional ones so I try to stay a little carefull. But the feverish hatred agaonst the wolves considering the limited amount amount of damage they cause is quite baffling.

online prowler

Quote from: Black_Angkar on February 02, 2013, 01:21:32 AM
I have no wellgrounded opinion on th wolf issue only emotional ones so I try to stay a little carefull. But the feverish hatred agaonst the wolves considering the limited amount amount of damage they cause is quite baffling.

True. I don't see myself as an advocate for issues concerning animals even though I sense to be an extension of the nature where I hail form in the north. What I find bizzaro is the need to control patterns of animals like this, and only weight their importance in cash value. It is quite sad a story the state of our country. May it all turn to waste and shit.

Andrew McIntosh

Shikata ga nai.

online prowler

Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on February 18, 2013, 03:07:54 AM
Justin Beiber, champion of feminism.

My god that was funny. Her use of ideology and rhetoric constrains any movement for oppositional thought. Straightjacket strategy.   

Andrew McIntosh

I must admit, I wondered if she was in fact engaging in a simple philosophical exercise, but this made me think yea, she actually does mean it. There's also a bunch of her writing online too, with stuff like, "(p)hilosophically, many of the aims and claims of feminist aesthetics are consistent with and indeed demonstrate the value of serious scholarship about popular music; as I argue in the third section of the paper, Kristeva's re-valuation of the feminine/feminized spectator provides a useful model for thinking about genres of music that are typically trivialized via feminization."
Shikata ga nai.


I have always been a fan of people who critique the 'canon' and point out how hierarchies and economics influence aesthetics, and that aesthetics and good taste don't exist in an eternal ivory tower vacuum. But then she defends instead one of the most 'patriarchal' form of mass-produced cultural trash around instead, on the grounds that "girls like it"?

I can only assume that she is indeed being slightly mischievous with this stuff, seeing what she can get away with within academia, and it's rooted in her own personal guilty pleasures. She's probably too interesting and strange for the PC faggotry thread.


Quote from: online prowler on February 02, 2013, 02:54:46 AM
Quote from: Black_Angkar on February 02, 2013, 01:21:32 AM
I have no wellgrounded opinion on th wolf issue only emotional ones so I try to stay a little carefull. But the feverish hatred agaonst the wolves considering the limited amount amount of damage they cause is quite baffling.

True. I don't see myself as an advocate for issues concerning animals even though I sense to be an extension of the nature where I hail form in the north. What I find bizzaro is the need to control patterns of animals like this, and only weight their importance in cash value. It is quite sad a story the state of our country. May it all turn to waste and shit.

I loved it when the chairman of hunter organization a couple of years ago made a big stink about the supposed fact that wolves kill the hunters dogs and that "protective hunting" of wolves was need to get rid of the "problem". One very sane person pointed out that more dogs are killed by their owner each year than by wolves and with that reasoning he was calling for "protective hunting" of hunters. 


Following an anonymous complaint from Germany, the Sûreté du Quebec begins an investigation about suspicious images that were exposed online by a local website, after an alert from INTERPOL.
That night, while he is behind bars, Rémy learns that he is being charged with Moral Corruption through propagation of obscene material.

A Quebec special effects artist charged with corrupting morals has been found not guilty in a case that tested the boundaries of creative expression and Canadian obscenity laws.

Don't know if this was mentioned here or not, but it's not the first time Canadian authorities are against gore and sfx. If I remember correctly, Voegel was also arrested on Canadian border while bringing dvds of August Underground to some movie festival or so. And Inner Depravity 1 and 2 by Remy Couture are nice little gory movies.


Quote from: Levas on February 21, 2013, 04:21:35 PM

Following an anonymous complaint from Germany, the Sûreté du Quebec begins an investigation about suspicious images that were exposed online by a local website, after an alert from INTERPOL.
That night, while he is behind bars, Rémy learns that he is being charged with Moral Corruption through propagation of obscene material.

A Quebec special effects artist charged with corrupting morals has been found not guilty in a case that tested the boundaries of creative expression and Canadian obscenity laws.

Don't know if this was mentioned here or not, but it's not the first time Canadian authorities are against gore and sfx. If I remember correctly, Voegel was also arrested on Canadian border while bringing dvds of August Underground to some movie festival or so. And Inner Depravity 1 and 2 by Remy Couture are nice little gory movies.

David Cronenberg talks in some of his interviews about how hard it was to get the government "okay" to release his movies because of their violent/sexual/perverse content, especially early on.