I personally have generally liked small print in small size magazine. In issue #1, there was also used size 7. And font Verdana. And to me, it looked too big compared to page size. Mostly it is Tahoma at size 6. But 7 could be doable if page count would be bigger.
I will be considering options for lay-out again for issues of 2012. Now this year goes with the template made.
There are many options. Increasing amount of artwork. Increasing number of pages. etc. Yet it is also question of budget. As we speak, print costs of magazine exceeds the wholesale rates. Unless decent number of ads are in, it's sold at loss. If enough ads are in, magazine still doesn't really cumulate more than merely cover the immediate costs. Raising cover price with 1,-, doesn't really make that much difference when majority of circulation goes via wholesale/trade.
But now when paper, printing and all that keeps raising few times a year, it might mean 2012 is expected little changes.