Started by GEWALTMONOPOL, December 15, 2009, 09:30:59 PM

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Quote from: ImpulsyStetoskopu on July 10, 2014, 04:48:29 PM

VA: WE HATE YOU (A Small Tribute To Throbbing Gristle) (Jazzassin Records 1997) CD+7 "EP
I had it as copy on tape earlier and always I have wanted to possess original release.  Very good compilation release dedicated to glory of TG myth... Probably the best which I know.

Quite agree, the best TG tribute I know, too. Excellent stuff from Deutsch Nepal, Cosmonauts Hail Satan, Illusion of Safety, Atrax Morgue, Famlende Forsok, Gero., etc. In fact, the only one I couldn't listen to at all was Eugene Chadbourne's track.


V/A - Själablomster (Hibiskofon - HFK 03)
Semilanceata composition has similar obscure feel as his past releases but this time doesn't rely too much an acoustic instruments but more in ambiences and drones. Very odd track which is nothing new from Wagner. Mushroom music so to speak! Red Room was a mess. Bunch of different sounds put together and sounds just horrible. No point or otherwise I'm just too dumb to get it (no surprises there, hah!). B. Åström was better than I expected judging by his previous recordings. Some drum (machine?) beat, piano, weirdness... Good! Side B starts with Krökta Rum's droney field recording piece and it's actually better than any of the tracks on their latest album. Grows quite intensively until reaching its peak. Then comes Thilda Persson with acoustic guitar and fem voice. Aight! Kristian Olsson ends it all with murky, noisy piece. Very good, the best! Damn, this is pretty decent comp! My expectations might've been a little too high but can't say I was disappointed. Soundtrack for sommar!


"Neoclassical" synth music. Even among their best works, but still so far from level of Arditi for example..

AGOG "Dust If Their food and clay their meat" LP
Anomalous Records
Good stuff of hand made sound. Physicality, but no loudness nor aggressiveness. Not noise, just crafting sounds from various objects.

V/A "Art is the handmaid of human good" LP
Odd compilation of stuff, where qualification seems to be that's it's local stuff from Lowell? Electro-pop oddities, Country rock, blue rock, and then spoken word/noisy stuff Due Process and such. 1990.

Pylon Recordings
I got all releases of Pylon what has been listed on discogs. Not bad stuff at all, but seems like none of them ever caught much attention. Or should it be said that editions were way bigger than need? This too is great piece of under-the-radar power electronics assaults. Hailstorm sounds like Con-Dom at his noisier phase. Commanding vocals, wall of electronics. Armanen has more industrial touch with loops and repeating vocal lines and overall structure in his noise.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com

Bloated Slutbag

KK.Null & Z'EV – Artificial Life
Hot on the (2005) heels of a successful three-way featuring the wild naturalist excursions of Chris "Honey, I Recorded The Kid's Asshole" Watson, the ever dynamic z'ev-Null duo blast their way out the dense foliage and into a markedly cardboard landscape firing on all plasticized (2006) cylinders. Quite what mama expected. Straight-ahead thunder and drama, stripped clean of the dark, brown, steaming, epic, Watson flavors, concentrating more on the art of thud, thunk, ding, and pummel. Primarily composed of a bedrock of uneasy percussive subscapes, nourished by Nulled electronics both subtle and abrupt, the multi-leavened bevy of sounds is often allowed to reach its critical mass before bowing quickly out. The combination works well, I think, even when personal partiality absconds in the rain of electro-percussive Nullements. The two gents seem to know how to play off and with one another, though I daresay a well-placed asshole or two would not serve as unwelcome fleshing out of proceedings. Can't have everything, I guess.
Someone weaker than you should beat you and brag
And take you for a drag


Shredded Nerve - Retention (Torn Light): Best piece of shrill noise I've heard in quite a while. Very reminiscent of the material on the Chondritic tape - can't really say anything negative about that! Nice blend of manipulated gurgles, metalic shriek, under-pronounced distortion.
Stone Breath - Children Of Hum (Hand/Eye): Most recent offering from Renner & Co. This time with just long-time companion Prydwyn. Wish he would have been Timothy's partner when seeing him perform two weeks ago. But anyway, this is the starkest, darkest and easily most captivating album from Stone Breath yet. The passion wells up ever more with each release.
Salar Aghili & Ensemble Dastan - Endless Ocean (Network): Stunning Iranian vocalist with the perfect accompaniment. Harrowing.


Due that Decibel 25 picks from noise, I had strange urge to check out how Noise Nomads sounds like. For years I had the Noise Nomads "Nose Picker" LP, RRR, on my shelves, but had not listened it. Something about artwork, name and overall presentation is turning me off. I see they also put out LP on Ultra Eczema, but also that they've been doing this 10+ years and still active. This LP is basically live recordings with lo-fi sound quality. Occasionally good, most of the time just kind of rubbish. I think there is certainly element of proper live creation and noise is indeed low tech & rugged, but appears to lack all focus. Well, it's 2006 live material, so don't know how many sounds after that. And in "studio"?

A Dear Girl Called Wendy
I think I heard both sessions of these and loong time ago was actually some talks with Umpio to co-release this on Freak Animal. However, all sorts of delays and speculations about what format is suitable etc, this ended up to Wendy and that's good! Proper presentation here and works are good. Taklamakan side has some noise in it, but far more into gloomy and atmospheric electronics. Umpio side goes into straight forward harsh noise blasting. Both use eachothers sounds together with their own.

E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com



anyone know what is this music? i was told it is Aube or death in june but i'm not sure is it true.

Glad to know it

Ashley Choke

VA - Juche (DPRK)
Been a while since I listened to Industrial/PE, found this locally, great comp minus the Militia track.The Anenzephalia closer is all out fantastic, what other stuff of his is similar? Loopish, mezmerising. I only own the Live album. Topic of release is right up my alley even if approach is sometimes kinda clumsy(George Bush samples, "North Korea" term)


Quote from: KHH on July 13, 2014, 08:54:23 PM
VA - Juche (DPRK)
Been a while since I listened to Industrial/PE, found this locally, great comp minus the Militia track.The Anenzephalia closer is all out fantastic, what other stuff of his is similar? Loopish, mezmerising. I only own the Live album. Topic of release is right up my alley even if approach is sometimes kinda clumsy(George Bush samples, "North Korea" term)

There are some tracks on other Anenzephalia releases that are quite similar to the track on Juche. The 7" inches Lyse and New World Order are some examples. I would like if Moloch would point more in that direction soundwise.

Muslimgauze - Azzazin

Amazing Muslimgauze material. Reminds me of early Mika Vainio/Pan Sonic material. Deep bass frequencies and high-pitched oscillating tones blended together.  Azzazin really stands out among the massive Muslimgauze discography. Highly recommended.

Guem - Percussions

Hypno-percussion drones to the extreme. Best of Guems releases.


SPLINTERED "Parapraxis" LP
Intellectual Convulsion
Good noiserock/industrial-rock kind of stuff from UK 1991. Time was good for this kind of material. Studio sound, not overtly compressed nor utterly lo-fi recordings either. Nothing revolutionary, but simply good moment in the UK's hypnotic guitar feedback & simple drum beat & bass pattern relying stuff.

Earthly Delights
Very nice album. It's not the rough early stuff, but neither the later days.. Something between. 1988, 10 songs of kind of ritual ambient/industrial. Animal sounds, nature sounds, mantras and ritual music. All sorts mixed well in studio. Good!

HANDS TO "Flatline" 2xLP
Petri Supply
This is possibly most labor heavy special edition I have seen. Of course hard to estimate how long each cover takes to manufacture in each special release, but simply facts that both color vinyl LP's are one siders and other side is silkscreened with no less than 4 different colors, all innersleeves and cover boxes are handmade, and silkscreened with multiple over-layered colors, but besides that spray paints and massive glueing jobs... And while it may not appeal in every guys aesthetic needs, one can't deny the utmost care are detail of each copy. Not just splashing some paint or spray here and there, but every copy is work of art. Music of Hands To is utterly lo-fi and distant stuff. It is not music by any means, but calling this noise doesn't seem very fitting. Just experiemental sounds decayed to ultimate levels. There is barely high frequencies here, and this results that all surface noise is loud and on top. If this was music record, one could perhaps conclude that pressing is fucked or there is too much dirt in grooves due all speciality of packaging... but now it kind of fits the overall impression of release. Music for lovers of hand crafted rubbish turned into art.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


^ Nocturnal Emissions releases between 1987-1990 is all of very high quality, the apex of Nigel's output (The World Is My Womb, Spiritflesh, Stoneface, Invocation Of The Beast Gods & Mouth Of Babaes)

Dr Alex

AWWO - A Monument To Fear .​.​. To Be Remembered, But Never Awaken Again

HIGHLY recommended RAW slugde/crust/black metal/whatever from Romania.

Bloated Slutbag

Incapacitants - Eat! Meat!! Manifesto!!!
Incapacitants - Mon, Ma? Mon!!!
Incapacitants / Pain Jerk‎ – Live At The No Fun Fest 2007

Question: who bothers to review Incapacitants these days? We all know what to expect, right? Or we did, up until things like Tight and Lon Guy plopped out, feeding the novel expectation of surprise of the less welcome kind. Quite surprisingly, then, reviews would seem to be warranted. (Hey, don't look at me. I'm in Playlist-only mode.) Reviews are warranted. Especially so when something like Eat!Meat!!Manifesto!!! (god that hurt) gets the call. Wtf is this? More live archive/throwaway excreta? Not that I'm complaining. Eat! is more than worthy of consumption, though it tends to creep up slow-like, wide-panned feedback wooze counterbalanced by tightly constricted inner-shriek. Meat!! is just that, no filler, straight up the ass, worth it for the straight-ahead opening plunge into certain noisehole asphyxiation. A gloryhole return, if you will, to the SAME OLD SHIT. Manifesto!!! (eek) wanks about an aimless honking shithawk dialog but strives to deliver a good share of the essentials in spite of its undercooked presentation. Then it ends. Erm. Okay, so I'm complaining. This is perhaps the crux here. Much of the recent live / archive-level snuff lacks the pointed punch you'd get from your Incaps of yore; but as the attention drifts out of focus... and the sound continues to wash over (at stupidly blistering levels, 'natch), one may start to kick back and enjoy the all-consuming, high-pressured, ambiance, not so much sucked-in as living in a moment forever beyond the reach of conscious (reviewable) perception. Perhaps, at last, one is achieving the "sweet spot" described by Keretja in the Active/"authentic listening" thread -

Quotewhen one's engaged in the music without realizing it, although by the nature of this sort of "authentic listening", it's a mode of listening that one can not voluntarily get into.

Mon, Ma? Mon!!! (yerk) fares similarly. The closing ditty, recorded live 2011, clocks in at 32-fucking-minutes of completely non-directional feed-bleed and crumble... but the textures here obtained are top notch, forming and reforming in an ever shifting sea of multi-bilged heave-hurl. Truly there is "no progress" but again the defeated attention finds itself drawn back into proceedings at the least expected, most inopportune, of intervals. I was sure I was hating this shit, but now I plead the fifth. Who knows what I want (aside from trying to set a record for the most pointless rhetorical questions jammed into a single playlist blurb)? Big points are nonetheless to be awarded to the opener, "30 Years Wasted". Arse-whoop proper does not fully kick in till around the 15-minute mark, but once all the appropriate layers are in their properly-channeled screech one may recognize a legitimate compositional genius at work. Control is not being lost; perhaps it is just being soused... and then obligingly hoofed into a fetal coma.
However one may characterize the above two (relatively recent) offerings, neither really holds a candle to the Incaps half of Live At The No Fun Fest split with Pain Jerk (2007). Clearly a crowd-pleaser in which no stops were pulled. Though credit is no doubt due the mastering work of the late, great, Kelly Churko. If this is a live recording, it has all the in-your-face presence of a proper studio jobby, all levels appropriately cranked well into the appropriate earbleed pressures. There are even a couple weird intervals where Mikawa's un-effected, spasticating, vocals are strangely way up in the mix- just to heighten the feel of insane-banker-on-crack going straight for the jugular. This is a man who clearly does not want to buy samurai bond. Well done, team. Pain Jerk then proceeds to rip Hello America a new asshole, and I am only boycotting further comment out of irritation at the liner notes calling this 33-minute piece an "excerpt". But, well, okay. Comment: what Gomi lacks in layered densities he makes up for in pointed scorch. The most pointed of attacks over the lengthy course are incisive, brutal, a hearty fuck yes from edit to edit. Fuckers.

Hijokaidan - The Last Recording Album
Hijokaidan Featuring Akira Sakata - Made In Studio
Borbetomagus & Hijokaidan - Both Noises End Burning

Whenever I'm tempted to question the impact of The Mikawa, I bend the pages of yet another chapter in the neverending story of the king of noise. Here Mikawa's contributions are as vague as a smoked-filled noise hellhole, often reduced to a flat-out , texturizing, harshness. And this is no more apparent than in The Last Recording Album. Diverging somewhat from prior Hijos, the component parts are clearly separated, well-defined, practically gleaming. Unlike a lot of prior Hijos, Jojo's diesel-powered guitar work really dominates. This is a very good-if-rather-pedarestrian sound for the most part, but it is also apparent that without the severe, Mikawa (and Kosakai!)-mediated scorcheries occupying the periphery, this could begin to approach something I might be tempted to dub free jazz rodent torture. There are some great moments, particularly toward the end of the two bulky freak-out tracks book-ending the five-track offering. In these moments a noticeable pick-up of intensities may be discerned, and The Mikawa (and The Fumio!) is allowed to bleed a little bit more freely into the earhole. (Or so I would like to imagine.) The middling three "experimental" tracks show that the Kaidan are not without some range- "The Dodge Ball Gourmet" a kind of free noise kabuki holocaust and "Astounding Guitar, Amazing Noise" - aside from being an(other) awesome title – could describe the slow snuffing out of miniscule, hiccuping, chipmunk via generous slathering of ambient (Diesel) Guitar noise-drone.
A natural progression from here would seem to be Made In Studio, featuring the rather dominating sax of Akira Sakata. I dig this shit, it's been quite a while since sax crept into the Hijo sound, and a good dose of shriek-laced bell-action certainly wouldn't sound out of place against Junko's banshee'd lung-chords. Hijokaidan seem to agree as Junko and Sakata are given five minutes to duke it out to refreshingly punchy effect. One of the better Junko pairings I've heard. A Kosakai-Mikawa-Sakata three-way is even more shock-provoking in its unabashed restraint; the Incaps duo are too polite for their own good- would've been better if someone started shrieking, "Daddy, take a banana. Tomorrow's Sunday!" Of course, it is the more trad Hijo which takes first prize, the principle 30-minute closer featuring the whole five-piece gang (plus  Kosakai! What the big guy adds I couldn't say. Presence, maybe.) I suspect something like this would be pretty awesome to take in live. On disc, a nice little breather.
While I'm onto this saxnoise thing, I thought I'd see how Made In Studio compares to Both Noises End Burning from Borbetomagus & Hijokaidan. Fuck, this is a beast. Seventy-two minutes of pure blowhard mayhem. Again, I would have to say- the Japanese contingent are too damn polite. Mssrs Sauter, Dietrich, and Miller clearly get free reign to set the tone, conjuring monstrously dense, amorphous, smoke-scapes through which the Hijo perversions are allowed poke and prod. A kind of Hijosandwhich, really, perhaps to be served up with "Noisedelicatessan"? For the discerning connoisseur, I'm not sure I can comment on the tastefulness of this neverending jam session. But I can say that previous comparisons I've offered to the Borbeto smash hit "Live In Tokyo" are probably still defensible. The abovementioned smoke-scapes, filled with (comparatively) lower-pitched feeding-back saxfields, billow, belch, and bulge ever so slowly while the inward-concentrated Hijos frantically shred with almighty, shitting-oneself, fervor. And despite the presence this time of two saxes, and the absense of one Kosakai, net effects are significantly more psychedelic, and significantly less jazz-tinted, than Made In Studio. So there.
Someone weaker than you should beat you and brag
And take you for a drag


No Dreams+Sharptooth - Untitled (Depravity Label): Although I'm not hugely familiar, this release is a bit of a surprise for me. No harsh blasting - instead there's something much more Mlehst about it all. Very understated synth lines. Minimalistic field recordings. Droning all along. The B-side skips the synth, and works in a rawer industrial. A little less melancholy, and pent up instead.
Hive Mind - But Mine Own Vineyard I Have Not Kept (Chondritic Sound): This is an appropriate follow-up to the tape above. As Hive Mind always seems to be - not a change of scenario, just a change of tone. I like owning just a few tapes of this though (of the 60+ hah!), as it is really good. Dude just needs to slow down with the putting out of materials.
E.E. - Volcanist (Curious Lacunae): Also appropriate in this listening session. Gentle droning-ambient works. Nothing greatly memorable, but not a dud either. (Sort of what I could say for all three of these releases.)
Slaymaker Welding - Ov Melt Ruin (Nostilevo): Old school-ish industrial composed of loops, infinite reverb and junk metal. Flawless.
G*Park - Corpse (Banned Prod.): Sadly short, but utterly deranged recordings. Harsh cuts on occasion, going between necrotic field recordings and industrial clanging.
Irgun Z'wai Leumi - Klirrfaktor (Verlautbarung): Finally procured this LP. Fucking phenomenal assemblage of wasted industrial malaise. I'll take this over Proiekt Hat. Easy.
Yuzuru Syogase/Kaiser Nietzsche - Split (Impressure/Artware Prod.): Wow! A near-perfect release here. Some masterful cut & paste work from KN, utilizing a wide range of sounds and moods without ever going astray. YS works in a more intensified realm, but still, the execution is of equal quality.
P Jørgensen - Gold Beach (Low Point): Perfect blend of modern composition and electronics.
Jacob - The Ominous (Utech): Described by the label as "Xenakis worship", I think. Can't really say that it reaches that territory at all. It's just very much that Utech label sound; hi-fi drone. Really spectacular when you can get your walls to shake.
Phurpa - Mantras Of Bön (Zoharum): More devestating Bon muzak. The first two tracks feature Alissa Nicolai as a additional voice - adding a totally new range to Phurpa's music. The remaining three are just the excellence that is always present on Phurpa's work.


Wakinyan - Copal Flow (Backwards): Some kind of crazy amalgamation of Waldteufel, November Növelet and Einstürzende Neubauten. Pretty phenomenal album once I finally gave it the proper focus.

Argonaut - Saltvatten (ar18): Incredible harsh noise that is like Cathode Terror Secretion (sans vocals) and Macronympha melded together in sonic depravity.

Blodvite - Tänkta Dialoger (Järtecknet): How was this limited?! So damn good!

M.G. - Stalker Elektroniks (Hästen & Korset): Mr. Altar Of Flies working under his own name, conjuring forth bleak, harsh industrial gems that aren't too unlike Theta, when it isn't just straight classic sounds. Very enjoyable, although not necessarily a stand-out in many ways and pales in comparison to his recognized pieces.

Kaiser Nietzsche - Heterology (Noctovision): Even a hair above the Yuzuru Syogase split I mentioned in the last post. Incredible work based around many, and mostly, acoustic sounds.

Lunar Aurora - Hoagascht (Cold Dimensions): In one sense, I almost wonder what the point is of still recording black metal like this in the '10s, but then I guess I could say the same about most of the noise I mention on here too, hehe. Regardless, this was a surprisingly solid listen for me. Tried and true 90's black metal formula in full effect.

True Widow - As High As the Highest Heavens and from the Center to the Circumference of the Earth (Kemado): Heard this for this first time during a tattoo session the other week - put me in the perfect headspace. What I always imagined (or wanted) bands like Low and Codeine to sound like.

Developer - RP-006 (Repentance Products): Classic Reis at this point, what else can I say. I found this tape to be on the higher rung of his output. Tasteful variety and a healthy addition of "quiet".

Also flipping through my stack of Hheva tapes today; so good. So good!