Checking out stuff bought from Mikko's store yesterday:
Jarl - Negative Rotation tape
The first thing I've heard from this project. Nice balance between atmospheric floating and more rigid structures & rhythms. After a while I start to think that maybe it should be either/or, also I'd prefer a less mechanistic feel. By the end of side B I'm satisfied but slightly bored. Still, it's clearly good enough to keep me interested.
v/a - Tension State Of Collapsing Vol.I + II 2cd
Lost of variety on offer here. The tracks still sort of flow and merge into each other, I can't keep a count on what's what. It goes from in-your-face harsh to stupid sample territory in the blink of an eye. Cleary there are weaker contributions in between but it's still a very succesfull as a whole. Compilations like these make for perfect background listening, I'm not sure I'd want to focus on these sounds for full 2 cds.
Altar of Flies - Förruttnelsen LP
Ah, this is more like it! I was very disappointed with the tape on Cipher but this seems to restore my faith in this guy. Side A feels stronger than the flipside but this is just the first listen so we'll see... This is the type of music that demands focus and concetration, no use having this play in the background. The cover is nicer than what I thought based on the online images.
Now, if only my ears would stop ringing from yesterday's live noise assaults so I could start fresh for Con-dom, Golden Rain etc. in the evening.