Started by online prowler, November 25, 2014, 11:56:27 AM

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Quote from: Peterson on November 26, 2014, 02:09:43 AM
BTW, did anyone else think Ramirez' post was great

I did, and thought Mr Svartit had some sensible words too.

online prowler

Quote from: Peterson on November 26, 2014, 02:09:43 AM
Quote from: Cementimental on November 25, 2014, 11:40:37 PM
His whole MO is sour grapes to the Nth degree.

What I was trying to get at before, but sounded stupid, was that people like that are never gonna be up-front, reasonable, and analytical about things that might grind their gears. They're just gonna rail against it until they tire themselves out, so I think the best thing to do is let them tire themselves out, look pathetic, and then move on to the next imaginary enemy.

BTW, did anyone else think Ramirez' post was great, and sounded like a typical pissed-off flamer? I thought that one was amazing and basically trumped all the troll's bullshit in one fell swoop.

I never expect either of them to speak up. At most they will be like a mouse for a period, then start stalking and raising hell again. This at least have been the normal cycle. PUNKCAT finding new labels to projecting his shit and venom unto. Cole suddenly emerging in the mileu of the people he stalks and fucking up things again. This is no news. It might sound like a small thing to you all out there, many are maybe thinking why bother with these cretins. I can see and understand that. - But when their actions are affecting a lot of people's work and private lives its time to show a hint of force and let them know buisness is buisness, and the gloves are off. The involved parties are not only the ones mentioned in the article, there is also a silent pack out there sitting on the fence.

Regarding Ramirez and Svartvit's posts.... I cannot comment on Ramirez state of mind, but to me he knifed the issue fast to the bone and seemed a bit dejected about the whole thing. To a degree I think he might be immune to verbal abuse being gay. Nevertheless, this was never about his person, but about his ideology and creative output. If Richard is here, he can comment on this himself. Svartvit made a neutral convinzing case. I remember reading his open post on FB earlier this year as well. For him especially it was a liability to be targeted I think, due to his background and political stance.


I believe most of this stuff is old stuff. Happened year ago or so? Or even older.
Both characters mentioned on this discussion, have pretty much behaved on forum, and with little warnings given about spam & slander, they've been behaving just fine.

I'd assume, there is not that much to add for year old incidents happening on the evil world of internetz.

But unlike most noiseboards, SI has had policy of keeping it clean. If too much drama gets posted, topics can be deleted/locked and if necessary people kicked out. Rule of the forum has been as simple as less drama, more noise.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net

online prowler

Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on November 26, 2014, 10:09:26 AM
I believe most of this stuff is old stuff. Happened year ago or so? Or even older.
Both characters mentioned on this discussion, have pretty much behaved on forum, and with little warnings given about spam & slander, they've been behaving just fine.

I'd assume, there is not that much to add for year old incidents happening on the evil world of internetz.

But unlike most noiseboards, SI has had policy of keeping it clean. If too much drama gets posted, topics can be deleted/locked and if necessary people kicked out. Rule of the forum has been as simple as less drama, more noise.

You are correct FAF regarding past incidents, though yesterday mentioned person initiated a new campaign. Given that threads on FB and other places are easily deleted and tracks "covered", I felt the need to issue a heads up and warning about this in hope to call out the culprit and make him sieze further unfounded actions. Personally, I can't stand for this kind of behaviour.

Regarding SI position I understand. This is another matter. So while the thread is still relative drama free I rest my case with what that has been stated.  


QuoteI believe most of this stuff is old stuff. Happened year ago or so? Or even older.
Kris is quiet on this board but he's still up to his old tricks elsewhere.

Bloated Slutbag

I don't think I'm going out on a limb in suggesting... This could well be one of those rare moments in which the forum membership would be near unanimous in delivering its verdict.

<sniffle> Kinda sweet, that.
Someone weaker than you should beat you and brag
And take you for a drag

Andrew McIntosh

Personally I appreciate Online Prowler's efforts to expose this shit here. Just as when Hal Hutchinson came out about being ripped off by Rupenus. Regardless of when things happened, it's important they be exposed, and I applaud those who do it.

Besides which, while I obviously wouldn't want to see this forum turn into a court for online ping-pong, a little drama does spice things up now and then.
Shikata ga nai.


In case of Sergi/Punkcat, it appears that he does direct to cases what he considers are representing something he doesn't like.
Lets say when guys like Punkcat makes statements againts such labels like "filth & violence" or "freak animal" and make accusation of sexism, racism, fascism, etc. one can't perhaps call it "totally unfounded"? Perhaps few bands are getting lumped together in unwanted group, or few far fetched assumptions are made about bands who hardly qualify among bigoted boneheads, but still...

Redvenice is different case, and appears to have a lot of do with UK scene internal issues I wish to not take part of, hah..  Anyways, those who don't know, he has been exposed to be guy who caused irritation for several people, making accusations and posting articles, simply to give trouble to people involved, to get other peoples noise gigs cancelled etc.

Why I consider drama surrounding this kind of things quite unnecessary, is that what is its relevance? Within the "scene", most people would know Unrest or mentioned labels. Probably know many of bands associated with labels. I believe they are known & supported worldwide. If some relatively unknown guy with his FB profile post few message, so what? Vast majority of people wouldn't even know about these incidents unless they are given attention. You know. Someone said something at facebook?! jeesus.
Surely couple occasions where something annoying happened, gigs gets cancelled for this type of bullshit. But overall, there's nothing happening what couldn't solved by simply not following on guys postings somewhere in the internet. What I assume is the case already with vast majority of people anyways.

I believe there are pretty good examples of bands who react on all sorts of negative feedback or accusations found online and are ready to "clear things out". What has been EVER gained with that? Well, sort of little coffeebreak worth of amusement for by-standers, hah, but I think energy can be spent for something more creative too.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net

online prowler

Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on November 26, 2014, 05:26:29 PM
I think energy can be spent for something more creative too.

FAF ... you are absolutly correct.


All parties involved should call each other out like this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixFQUpLnr3E


ello ello ello, what do we 'ave 'ere?

Just noticed this? I'm into EDM and Witch House now so don't worry I wont be showing you guys up again with my digital noise.

Although I have been developing a little live coded noise with Supercollider, will post soon. :)

Good luck with all the live gigs and stuff tho guys!

see ya,

Le Kris. xxx