Started by online prowler, December 07, 2014, 09:05:31 AM

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online prowler

Anyone went to this event? Hope to hear live reports from the evening in addition to photos, vids and audio!!


Just a quick few words on this: the best set of the night was probably Iron Fist of the Sun, really really strong and captivating; Sutcliffe Jugend were immensely powerful and ultra loud; BDN, featuring Lina Baby Doll and Thomas Ekelund, did deep bass rumbling and pounding and did the job very nicely indeed; and Trepaneringsritualen was pretty damn good too. Lina Baby Doll initially cancelled Deutsch Nepal, but then came on later anyway, apparently after a bit of coaxing. It was fine, but he was a bit pissed (for once!), and his set wasn't quite as vital as the previously mentioned ones. Nordvargar did a nice set of dark industrial ambience, while Raison D'etre were fine, too, but seemed a bit like a breather from the real action. There was a nice enough crowd there, possibly about 300, but some poor divil broke his arm - the bone was sticking out and all! It probably happened in the 'mosh-pit' that got going during the SJ performance. Anyway, not a bother on him - I hear he was off to the DiJ the next night, too!
All in all, a fantastic night, really - I'm only sorry we turned up a little late and missed Shift. Ah well, you can't have everything! Actually, I know a lot of people who went on to Death in June the next night, but I'd really have thought it'd have seemed rather insubstantial after the SE:UK shows! Or perhaps I'm only telling myself that as I couldn't make it...


 Was pretty great all round, glad I managed to make it + see lots of old friends there. :) Really unfortunate about the mosh pit injury tho!!

Funny conversation with a friendly security guard at once point... "Where's the music?! It just sounds like the neighbours left the TV at full volume and someone's yelling at them to turn it off" :D

online prowler

Thanx guys.

I saw a lot of photos leaked out the following days of the event. Lot's of good stuff. Quite the crowd as well. Crossing fingers for future vids posts ...  

Fun story Cementimental!! I laughed out loud. Could see it in front of me.