Started by FreakAnimalFinland, December 20, 2009, 06:46:39 PM

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VU / Haare split sold out from me, still available from BHM, FA and other distros.



Some new Kitu material:

And Amek-Maj track:

Pretty sure that first Amek-Maj-tape is coming soon


Gagarin Kombinaatti

attempt at industrial music by Mika Vainio in the 80's


Quote from: Thermophile on November 04, 2020, 12:14:38 AM
Gagarin Kombinaatti

attempt at industrial music by Mika Vainio in the 80's

And a very good "attempt". Highly recommend the LP, great material!


Boredom Knife, fairly new Finnish project just released new split tape and upcoming soon split CD with MO*TE.
There are actually quite many new things I have heard, that should be mentioned.

Noteworthy release is also V/A "MANIFESTATION OF TURMOIL" tape. EDGE OF DECAY, YANA, TYHJÄ PÄÄ and AHOLA & SILANDER. It is published by Freak Animal, and I was kind of hesitating why put out comp tape of Finnish noise while I got comp CD series of Finnish noise going on (3rd TERÄSSINFONIA is progressing... ). Story behind this was, that tape was compiled and designed by artists, and at first going to be out on EOD's label. For "logistic reasons" it was published by label/distro who has easier way to get them sent out. Being 10 mins each band, it delivers really nice dose of Finn noise.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


Great thread, plenty of information. I am interested in the cultural/social factors that make countries like Finland huge exponents of PE and BM, for example.
ZOB ZYGGLAN - Brazilian Power Electronics -


This would need some serious updates! Recent years been very neat in Finnish noise, and new GOOD projects appearing all the time. Will have to look into some links and comments when there is more time to do it.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


I guess the best way to get some view is to check those Terässinfonia compilation this far. There is coming fest in Oulu also where is some of what Tyhjä Pää sees nowadays notiable live Shows. Whole scene is growing like ass of housewife. And it makes also some scenes in the scene. Bruices, views, lost contacts, tell and told- storyes. In next few years I see there is no common scene. And that's totally good thing!


Quote from: piisti on October 14, 2022, 07:50:28 PM
Whole scene is growing like ass of housewife.

Nothing to add just an excellent quote. Cheers.


Kovana seems to be no and YT videos don't exist anymore. And Augmented Atrocity CD description says "project of former Kovana member...".
If that's true, what happened? (none of my business, of course)
I thought they were great and always much improved with every release, with high potential for doing even better. At the moment I'm listening to Fluids of Chimera tape. Very good!
Would be a pity if the project really ended, so I hope it's only temporary.


yes, unfortunately Kovana ended. Augmented Atrocity is not 1:1 how Kovana was, but there are some similar elements there too. Perhaps more focus, no female vocals obviously.

E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


THE DAY OF THE ANTLER "Veri tuli kuolema" tape
Äänipää records
Could it be possible that this would be the best TDOTA tape? He hasn't made bad release yet for sure, but while CD is very good and so is new tape on Satatuhatta, but either I am just dreaming, or it may be possible that there is the syndrome of public release that sets artists into certain mood, and opposed to that, small edition tape not meant for larger public has this somewhat relaxed feel, where there is nothing to really show. Perhaps tape for Satatuhatta was intentionally noisier to fit the "noise label" vibe? This tape has gloomy dark cosmic ambient-esque pieces, almost death industrial, there is noisy stuff, there is even more power electronics feel, including even screeched vocals that have not been so dominant in Antlers stuff. Tape also ends with almost Rapoon type of tribal etno industrial piece. Excellent tape that would be neat if someone could make available for larger public.

HAUDAT "Live on tape February 23" tape
Reh-place live recordings to rehearse for his upcoming gigs earlier this year. Good sound, broken noise, if you know what Haudat does, you got it right here and another example of tape that would be nice to be more than mini edition sold at those gigs he did.

NEANDERTAAL "Follicles" tape
One of the newer Finn harsh noise acts. He has the basics of noise all fine. You can certainly imagine the band shirt wearing shaker box shaking pedal guy doing that. Unfortunately there is some sort of effect that makes it wrong way rumbling and kind of snotty, perhaps reverb pedal or some sort of multi efx unit that can do that to sound. After the master level Finn noise acts, lack of own identity, idea and lacking production keeps it just among the basic "its ok" harsh noise tape.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on July 25, 2023, 03:41:46 PMTHE DAY OF THE ANTLER "Veri tuli kuolema" tape
Äänipää records

Excellent tape that would be neat if someone could make available for larger public.

Yes, i am interested in his 'private' tapes. I was lucky to catch this from WCN last year. I havent played it recently but i remember it like you describe it, 'relaxed' , with variety of material , and so good that i had to reach artist to ask if there are more tapes available. Sadly, there were not. Since they are not on Discogs and cant find info in the net, I only know of just another one : Monumentti , that was on WCN distro too but sold out already. Judging by his label catalog numbers and the words from you Finn people, there are more ...

For information purposes these are the photos Oscar had taken for his distro :

"ἀθάνατοι θνητοί, θνητοὶ ἀθάνατοι, ζῶντες τὸν ἐκείνων θάνατον, τὸν δὲ ἐκείνων βίον τεθνεῶτες"