It's not so often I happen to get some "new" Hospital productions tapes, but just got 3 of the Mitochondrial DNA tapes from 2012. It was Fernow + Conelly project.
I got 3 of the 5 releases this project did. Graphic design is pretty horrid, but sound I like. You can still get some of these for pretty cheap prices from discogs. Not sure if label still has them.
Tapes appear like they could be studio-live, but at the same time part of the sounds seems like slowed down or at least pitched down and they do have density of layering.
Fernow mentioned to me last time we meet that he isn't particularly happy with a lot of releases on Hospital Productions as it wasn't really label in traditional sense, but documenting a lot of things what was just happening. People that was hanging around, people he meet and co-operate with. Lots of small scale releases which barely needed to be firm cornerstones of label, but just things happening in process.
At the same time, I have dislike and admiration for such approach. In one hand, when it's curated, yet relatively free form of flowing energy, interesting things may emerge. And at the same time, putting out small insignificant releases to be forgotten doesn't seem like good idea for label, hah... And yet another collaboration.. is it necessary? Perhaps not, but is it obsolete? I guess not.
Each tape is short, c. 10 minutes session and perhaps one could have compiled all the 4 Hospital productions tapes into one tape. I can see that one reason why they aren't, is that each tape is different.
"Powercrash" leans towards raw and brutal noise with some pitched undertones. "Strawberry Sugar Zeros" has one side noisier, perhaps guitar created sounds while other side is far more experimental. "World Largest Ink Collection" appears like guitar drone being evoked below mass of multieffect noise. It feels like best material of each tape is on a-side, and b either just follows more the same, or is something little less interesting. Each tape does have odd charm in them. Visually so lame and format wise far from ideal, but I still like them.
It makes me wonder how much people have followed Fernows side projects? I hardly ever hear anyone talk about them and seems like audience is elsewhere.
Christian Cosmos, Christmas Trees, D Magdalene, December Magic, Exploring Jezebel, Machinegun Warfare, Noose Ensures Survival Wants And Needs, Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement, River Magic, Tortured, Window Cleaning By Ian, Winter Soldier... those are probably just handful, and I must say that I can't really remember how Exploring Jezebel really sounded like, but it's probably only one of mentioned I even have in my tape shelves...