Slave State

Started by Ron Dalvin, November 06, 2015, 06:34:15 AM

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Still extremely excited to see both SS and J&J reissues....

Anyone's got the Odium tape on Arbeit? Never heard this... I remember bitewerks used to have it?


Odium was good. Sounds were a lot of fast delayed feedback, from what I remember. I think I sold it to Dom Am.

J&J was like Women of the S.S. I figured it was mainly Thorn doing the sounds with the ladies on vocals. Nothing special but would be interesting to see get a reissue
especially if there is any unreleased work.

Dom America

Odium tape was sold to me, yes. I think it's a good tape, has a cool and obscure sound, but not mindblowing.

J&J 2-LP is supposed to be release on Instruments of Discipline out of Berlin at some point. bitewerks is correct the music is all Thorn on that release. I think it's great.


Any news about the Slave State reissue?


Been a few years now, got no reply from the member of Slave State nor Dom America when I reached out last month. Any news? Starting to worry that this LP is going to be scrapped.


Have to bump this up! Slave State reissues would be more than welcome. I guess DOM American didn't get the project to finish line, which sucks since vinyl test presses were approved and all? Sounds it was so close!

impulse manslaughter

Was thinking about this earlier this week. If the test pressings were made and approved, how could this go wrong? Isn't there a label that can take over the project?