The obvious, usual suspects are; Terre Blanche and other AWB stuff, Streicher, XE and some other F&V related materials like Iron Clad and Anti-Pakt, Deathpile, "David Rodgers" stuff i.e. Brethren, Organized Resistance, Bound and Revolutionary Command, etc. I would highly recommend an obscure, amazing gem of a tape titled American Boots – "Lone Wolves, Boot Parties". Solid, underrated stuff.
Also, try not to confuse anti-egalitarian and general hatred as being racially motivated, nor do nationalist, integralist, "Eurocentric", whatever ideas and imagery always reflect "White Power". Just mentioning this since PE, just like sub-genres such as NeoFolk and Martial Industrial, etc. can be easily misinterpreted. Even some of those who I listed who portray obvious racialist beliefs in their artistic content doesn't mean they "practice what they preach", so to say.
*edit* And yes, I meant Deathkey rather than Deathpile