Beartown - F. Ampism CD

Started by D-Mellor, July 14, 2016, 11:11:25 PM

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F. Ampism - The Resolution Phase

Hailing from the wind-swept plains of LotS, F.Ampism is also a part-time member of eye-revolving, ear-tweaking collective Bolide, known for their lucrative 'third-eye rental scheme'. Beartown once hosted a fabulous underground showcase once where Mr 'Pism effortlessly performed his magical, mechanical musics.
Were you there? Can you help us?

The Resolution Phase creaks, wails, tip-toes & clatters it's way through the sonic attic where ancient vases of lost audiography spill their contents across the plateau of your consciousness.

This spanky new release comes complete with 'letter-mash' on-CD printing, foldy cover & 'shrunken merman / Craig The Orc' insert, printed on the special good, gold paper.