SLUICE ROOM - Shaved and Lubricated Hospice

Started by SinkSlopProcessing, July 25, 2016, 03:14:57 AM

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The newest full-length album from Sluice Room is upon us.

"Shaved and Lubricated Hospice" is a cacophony of symphonic noise, and an exploration into haunting and excruciating new territories for Sluice Room.
Professionally replicated onto the space-age format of Compact Disc.

A rapturous din resonates from the floorboards of your convalescent chamber. Female voices intone that the ailment will win; fetish and fantasy your only palliatives left. Remember who and what brought you to this, then play doctor, judge and jury as little girls sway to the dire invocations of Sluice Room.

Samples and further info:

Sink Slop Processing :: Prescription-Strength Noise


9/10 from Traumatic Static Webzine!

"I really can't think of any one artist that I can accurately compare this to and that alone is quite an accomplishment.
In fact this has been an album I've revisited very frequently since it arrived at my door... What an experience."

Read the full review here:
Sink Slop Processing :: Prescription-Strength Noise


Now available in the UK from the venerable Cold Spring Records:

Copies also en route to Art Into Life in Japan (
and Tordon Ljud in Sweden (
Sink Slop Processing :: Prescription-Strength Noise


Troubled Sleep in Portland, Oregon recently broadcast a track from the newest Sluice Room album.

Listen here:

(track begins at 15:42 into the show)
Sink Slop Processing :: Prescription-Strength Noise