Heavenly Sounds in Lo-Fidelity: Arvo Plays Ferrante & Teicher

Started by NO PART OF IT, July 31, 2016, 11:02:26 PM

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There is a new release at PERSONAL ARCHIVES:  Heavenly Sounds In Lo-Fidelity:  Arvo Plays Ferrante & Teicher.  This is two full length cassettes in a butterfly case, for over 80 minutes of material, all sourced from records by legendary prepared piano exotica/easy listening duo Ferrante & Teicher.

Ferrante & Teicher were initially a duo of twin grand piano players who began playing prepared piano duets with spiraling mad arrangements, for what could be called part of the "percussion craze" of the late 50s, or "proto exotica".   They were massively successful, and continued to make record after record of schmaltzy covers of show tunes, movie soundtracks, classical music,  love song standards, etc. 


Arvo Zylo has been making odd, often manic soundscapes and noise with a malfunctioning sequencer, hundreds of layers of horns, or mic'ed objects, among other things, starting in 2000.   He owns about 15 albums by Ferrante & Teicher, along with several other percussive records of the 30s and 40s (Enoch Light especially).  One day, listening to the peculiar sound design on "Soundproof!" (1956), he decided to explore F & T's peculiarities more thoroughly, and became inspired to build some sound structures of his own out of them.  The contents range from daffy percussion psychosis to smoothed out industrual/ambiante.  Over 80 minutes of material.  Cassettes come in a butterfly case with two full color covers, and printed labels.  Limited to 50 copies. 

More on Ferrante & Teicher:
A caterpillar that goes around trying to rip the wings off of butterflies is not a more dominant caterpillar, just a caterpillar that is looking for a bigger caterpillar to crush him.  Some caterpillars are mad that they will never grow to be butterflies.