I think, Murder Corporation is a project with a very strict aesthetic and pretty much similar approaches, but oftentimes highly varying outcome. According to Discogs, MC seems to have been highly prolific throughout the nineties releasing a bunch of tapes and CD-Rs, probably mostly hard to find nowadays.
Mostly crude "Death Industrial" style, lots of synthwanking, some PE influences and so on. I remember being not so taken away by a lot of material, but maybe it's more about the greater whole than single hit tracks. Although I am not familiar with most of the material, some noteable entries in the discography are definitely "Insane Pleasures" for the disturbed and violent feel it has to it, "Schwarz" for the simple and powerful soundscapes and of course the monolithic 8 CD box.
It seems Murder Corporation got a little less attention than projects of similar style, for some reason - maybe because the lack of one specific hit album that got wider recognition? Any thoughts on the project in general, hidden gems in the discography etc.?