A great part of the charm with the '80s RAC for me was the very socially marginalised and obsessive nature of the product, as well as the sheer amateurishness of the finished albums. Hail The New Dawn by Skrewdriver is very poor music, playing and production by any standards, and is so worried about its potentially illegal thoughts that it becomes heavily self-censored and paranoiac - the last track on the LP wants to say 'once it was our country, now it's run by Jews' but he just cannot bring himself to say it and 'now it's run by who?' is all he can utter. I live in the same town that ISD grew up in, know and drink with people he grew up with, know a lot about his unfortunate family background. Records like this and the equally charming Blood & Honour are really some kind of outsider art. Incredible sleeve art posted in this thread. I personally look for and often find and enjoy the mental illness, the loss and sadness, the sense of self-fulfilling failure and defeat in this material but that's just my own kink.
I enjoyed the Feral House book but the style was rather obsessive and anal retentive to say the least - those endless footnotes.
I wouldn't class Oi! with RAC at all, very different genres. I like the classic 4 Skins, Business and Last Resort material, the first two Cockney Rejects albums are transcendentally beautiful and truly great music, and you can't really go wrong with the often bizarre hotch potch of styles and mixed political messages featured on the first three classic Bushell compilations (Oi The Album, Strength Thru Oi, Carry On Oi).