Started by Moral Defeat, May 02, 2017, 12:23:52 AM

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Moral Defeat


Black Leather Jesus – Massive Cumshot
Active since 1989 and lead by Richard Ramirez, Black Leather Jesus has been at the forefront of American harsh noise for a long time. Known for their overwhelming live actions, often with 10+ performers on stage, BLJ has been abusing scrap metal for decades and are still going strong. This release presents 4 new exercises in brutality, distributed onto 2 c30 tapes and housed in a black leather pouch with mounted artwork, comes with a mini poster and insert.
2x c30, 43 Copies, €12 + shipping.

Appropriate Savagery – Volume 1 : Negligible Grace

Debut release from a new French project, Appropriate Savagery hits us with deeply melancholic dark ambient atmospheres, using elements of noise, industrial and various field recordings, Appropriate Savagery manages to create truly immersive landscapes. A journey into the bleak and barren fields of modern dystopia. Comes with download codes.
C38, 49 Copies, €6 + shipping.

Magdalena's Apathy - Tendine d'achille

This duo from Greece delivers 8 powerful tracks in the realm of industrial. Ranging from creeping ominous ambiance, to stomping technoid industrial monuments. Magdalena's Apathy balances associations of the decay of present day society to the distant drums of religious rites in ancient times. Comes with download codes.
C27, 47 Copies, €6 + shipping.

Mtheorem – Discipline Tempered
Stripped down industrial techno from Argentina, Mtheorem utilizes warm overdriven beats, dry percussion, distorted vocal samples and filthy sewage basslines to create intense adrenaline fueled techno. Comes with download codes.
C24, 41 Copies, €6 + shipping.

Original Trauma – Barbed Wire Psyche
Pornographic vhs bootlegs in unlabeled cardboard boxes, 8mm sex loops in dusty old basements, a filthy mattress in a dim lit room, bulky collections of Scandinavian golden-era erotica hidden in the private vaults of obsessive fanatics. Original Trauma bleeds out two weird noise tracks, scruffy lo-fi pieces, cut into plastic with machines from the 1940s. Co-release with new American label ''Horrid Culture'', B side ends in a locked groove.
Lathe cut square 7'', 20 Copies, €10 + shipping.

Superstition As A Result Of Abuse – Compressed By The Death Of Meaning

Anti-record project consisting of a 7'' and a 12'' that have both been scratched with sandpaper, stones and steel brushes. The records 7'' has been attached to the top of the 12'' with thread through drilled holes, creating a looped record when the stylus hits the barrier of the 7''. Designed to play until your turntable gives up. Play at own risk. Demonstration video:
7'' + 12'' Anti-record, 5 Copies, €30 + shipping.

28 Page zine with pictures from the internet of people with obnoxious face tattoos, photocopied in black and white. Comes in zip lock bag with a sticker on.
20 numbered copies, €5 + shipping.

Everything can be ordered through bandcamp as usual:

Found Remains

The entire May batch will be available in the FR distro for American freaks.

Found Remains