Quote from: david lloyd jones on March 02, 2017, 01:01:43 AM
whatever you may see at the borders with other genres will have changed over time, and at times be meaningless.
My assumption is that vast majority of stuff what is now called PE, wouldn't have been in past.
And especially it seems to be true depending on which country you happen to live.
Little indication also comes from looking old catalogues of distributors, for example Tesco 1998 catalogue is full of "power electronics" term in use, but Artware catalogue it is much more rare. But this seems to apply as much to use of "noise" as genre. Whether noise is reserved to
pure harsh noise, or is it used as wider description of a lot of nois
y stuff.
I would say that these days, to find "pure" power electronics, is rare case. Pretty much everything exists somewhere in wide post-industrial / noise category than what could be seen as the "old PE sound".
You could say for example all the noisier electronic stuff on Posh Isolation, except Forza Albino and Caucasian Colony fits this topic. It may be noisy and electronic etc, but hardly "PE". It goes to different type of aesthetic and composition and themes, but still have connection.
I think it has been discussed in some topics before (was there post-power electronics topic, heh?!). If you put two groups next to eachother, like early Whitehouse or CONTROL (usa), then latter one would most likely feel entirely different musical genre? Multilayered and precise rhythms (although not beats) with heavy and "full produced" sound. More often dark and dense atmosphere than violently ripping lo-fi carnage and disturbing frequencies like heard in many old releases.
However, if Control is seen as "fringe", then question would be who and what exactly is the non-fringe PE? At least looking to Finland, there really ain't many bands who could be without doubt categorized as PE. Most fall under wider umbrella of some sort of industrial-noise.