alliance on 100 hand-numbered digipack CDs.
RxAxPxE is occult power electronics from Germany, had a releases on Filth & Violence and Bestial Burst, and also split w. such cult Finnish Black Metal band as Ride For Revenge. Three tracks of fierce power electronics in original RxAxPxE style.
Dezerbet Xuu Nimmerzeth is project of Alexander K. from Russia, also engaged in Flagellatio Orgasmus and Organoid (also F&V), etc. For DXN he present a eight tracks of lo-fi black harsh noise, include covers of Gonkulator and Beherit, featuring guest vocals from Dweller Of Endlesse Graves (Reptile Womb, Ritual Violence).
Price 12 euro + shipping.
For all questions please write to label's email:
or to Alexander's email: