Due to the B side of this tape, I think this might be of interest to people on this forum as well, see description below.
Iron Scourge has just released the re-release of the Grand Maw tape!
After a demo tape and splits with Sabbatic Goat and Spiteful Urinator, Trepanation released a tape only limited to 50 copies in April 2016. On this tape the band showed another face. While on previous releases the band was known for a punishing Black/Death/Grind hybrid, here the A side consist of an ominous Doom/Death track, on the B side the band does two tracks that are influenced by old school industrial (refer to SPK, Throbbing Gristle..., not the beat-driven stuff), though still performed with vocals, bass, guitar and drums. Again, there's an ominous vibe to these tracks, while also invoking an outlandish ritual/tribal atmosphere. This tape shows that the band can pull off much more than what they have been doing in former releases and thus it seemed only logical to re-release this tape. Whether or not the styles executed on this tape will be found in further Trepanation releases is to be seen. Limited to 100 copies.
Can be listened to here:
https://trepanation666.bandcamp.com/album/grand-maw-tape Costs €5, order here:
http://ironscourge.blogspot.be/Also available for trade and wholesale.
New Era Productions has a limited amount, copies are on their way to Darkness Attack and will be on shipped to Northern Heritage soon.