U.T.S. May 2017 Batch - B.P. / RuiNation / zničení / Conspirator

Started by UTS Records, May 02, 2017, 03:46:14 PM

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UTS Records

UTS09: RuiNation - Postmortem Inequalities (LISTEN)

UTS10: B.P. - Sick With Power (LISTEN)

UTS11: zničení - zničení (LISTEN)

UTS12: Conspirator - Conspirator (LISTEN)


Australia: 1-3 tapes $3 / 4-6 tapes $5

Asia: 1-3 tapes $6 / 4-6 tapes $13

USA & Europe: 1-3 tapes $8 / 4-6 tapes $18


PayPal to utsrecordsandmerch@gmail.com


Why do you never gave Feedback about the Psychosadist Tape? If you don't want to release it anymore - no Problem! But never give any Feedback... it's just curious!!!