Garbage Fountain #1-5 (noisecore zine)

Started by DBL, August 24, 2017, 11:01:20 AM

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Garbage Fountain #5 is out now and, unsurprisingly, offers the same stuff as before. 32 English-language black & white A5 pages about noisecore and its vicinity. Features interviews with PTAO (Czech Republic), Exacerbación (Costa Rica), Atrofia Cerebral (Peru) and Sick Phoque Records (Belgium) and a good bunch of reviews.

Price is 4e + postage (from Finland). Trade suggestions are welcome. I've also got some noisecore & related stuff available as recycled cassettes (and a small bunch of other stuff), list is available upon request.
NO PMs thanks, order through email: the.other.salvation(at)gmail(dot)com

Suomea osaaville tiedoksi että samalla ilmestyi myös laajemmin UG-juttuja käsittelevä zine Sairaus #8, josta löytyy tiedot täältä.