Seen and not seen's, recommendations and queries on top films in general.

Started by GEWALTMONOPOL, December 29, 2009, 06:31:05 PM

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Andrew McIntosh

It was something I was meant to post in the "pc faggotry" section. I wondered later why I didn't see it there.

Thank goodness for the editing feature. Sometimes it's less about appearances and more about simple common sense.
Shikata ga nai.


Saturday night was the Severin Blu-ray for Burial Ground. What a fun piece of junk it is! The zombie make-up and gore look great. Recommended! Severin has The Killing of America next. I'm hoping D'Amato's Beyond the Darkness is after that then Wild Beasts.

Halloween night, I think I'll watch The Hills Have Eyes...


Finally, last week I received the Blu-Ray of The Witch and today of course was the right day to watch it. I think it's great, and, it was already mentioned before, the soundtrack is really good as well.
What's kind of funny - at least from the reviews I've read - is, that there seems to be either total praise or total rejection, not much in between.
Will watch it again soon, some personal mysteries and secrets within this movie are waiting to be solved...
Or maybe not.


i just re-watched The Witch tonight myself.

the menacing atmosphere it sustains throughout is pretty rare in horror.

there are theories about different ways to read the film but i think it works amazingly well if you just take it at face value so i'm not really bothered speculating. for me it's just a great historical (hysterical?) horror movie with an atmosphere that most others lack.

Bleak Existence

only horror movie i watched in 2016 is The Witch one of the best i ever watched in my 40 years on earth

david lloyd jones

Quote from: bitewerksMTB on October 31, 2016, 11:41:15 PM
Saturday night was the Severin Blu-ray for Burial Ground. What a fun piece of junk it is! The zombie make-up and gore look great. Recommended! Severin has The Killing of America next. I'm hoping D'Amato's Beyond the Darkness is after that then Wild Beasts.

Halloween night, I think I'll watch The Hills Have Eyes...

D'Amato trash is always fun, 'the killing of America' has it's own merits, but don't think a blue ray would necessarily add anything.

david lloyd jones

'the killing of America' just out in uk as well. severing again releasing.
also out on shameless is 'the church' by Michele soavi, the sect coming soon.


I'm not in any rush for Killing of America. I'll wait until I can get it as cheaply as possible. Severin has announced Wild Beasts & Drive-In Massacre plus confirmed release of Cathy's Curse for early next year.

I just read that Scream Factory did a 2k scan of Black Christmas from the original negative so it'll look better than it ever has & the release is packed with new extras along with the previous Blu-ray film transfer. December will be really cool with B.C. & Henry, Portrait of a Serial Killer!

I watched The 'Burbs last night...

david lloyd jones

'black Christmas' atvchristmas would be fine.
as said before, a Br of 'the killing of America 'wouldn't add anything, but a nee DVD in the uk will be better than the old 'exploitation video' release.

like it when us and uk/euro labels release the same so there is no having to buy foreign discs, no superiority in releases.
the market for this crappie so small, that fighting helps nobody.


There's a review of Killing of America Blu-ray; I've seen it on vhs but remember very little.  I'd rather have Blu's of the Death Women & Death File videos fully subtitled in English!

I've watched Black Christmas on Christmas night the last few years so I hope I can get a copy in time.

david lloyd jones

Quote from: bitewerksMTB on November 03, 2016, 08:44:54 PM
I've watched Black Christmas on Christmas night the last few years so I hope I can get a copy in time.
watching films on their anniversary dates adds to the experience, so Christmas slashers at Christmas add to the yuletide feeling!


Salem's Lot- surprisingly well-made for a TV movie with only a couple of cheesy moments and quite possibly, the creepiest house in any horror movie.

Horror Hotel aka City of the Dead- Chris Lee, 1960. Not sure why I've never seen this film before. Damn good witchcraft atmosphere!

Shadows in an Empty Room aka Blazing Magnum- Spanish/Canadian action-thriller. Sort of runs slow in between the shooting, trannie fighting, car chases. Pretty decent climax with sleaze n' nudity. Not sure the film is very high on the re-watch list, unfortunately.


Quote from: bitewerksMTB on November 05, 2016, 08:43:06 PM
Salem's Lot- surprisingly well-made for a TV movie with only a couple of cheesy moments and quite possibly, the creepiest house in any horror movie.

This is on my list, will be checking it soon!

Quote from: bitewerksMTB on November 05, 2016, 08:43:06 PM
Shadows in an Empty Room aka Blazing Magnum- Spanish/Canadian action-thriller. Sort of runs slow in between the shooting, trannie fighting, car chases. Pretty decent climax with sleaze n' nudity. Not sure the film is very high on the re-watch list, unfortunately.

Might have to watch this purely for the CanCon.

Recent viewings: Creature from the Black Lagoon (somehow had never seen it until now, totally great) and The Lobster (quite good).
Primitive Isolation Tactics
Scream & Writhe distro and Absurd Exposition label
Montreal, QC

david lloyd jones

'creature from...' is a mighty fine film with some strange lovecraft atmosphere at times (surprisingly). the sequel 'revenge of the creature..' whilst enjoyable, is nowhere near as good.
btw, the boat in the creature, gave name to sam McKinley's 'the Rita' project, I believe


EATEN ALIVE- it's hard to believe this is Tobe Hooper's second film and not his debut. I like the shitty crocodile, the nudity, the cheap-ass sets, the wigs, the soundtrack, the little girl crawling through cob webs under the porch, Marilyn Burns screaming & tied to the bed, etc. but the film does run a little slower than I remembered. The Arrow Blu-ray looks damn good, more film-like than the Dark Sky dvd, which, always had me thinking the movie looked like a low-brow stage play.