Yeah, I Drink Your Blood still holds up & is much better than I remembered. I still need to watch one of the versions on the Grindhouse blu. I can't remember which one I watched the first time around or what the differences are.
Sweet Sugar bd (Vinegar Syndrome)- the trailer makes this film look violent & mean-spirited but it's a bit too light-hearted with bad attempts at humor but it does have some good nudity, a black man burned alive, some violent gun-play (bodies shot up graphically), some mild whipping & what would a W.I.P. film be without a little rape? In one scene, you see the results running out of the cute actress' cut-off jean shorts but despite that, if I had seen this film previously, there would have been no need to own it.
Straw Dogs bd (Criterion Collection)- if you're a fan of S.D. or you want to see it for the first time, Criterion's new release is the way to go. It looks great! Highly recommended. Nothing more needs to be said.
Just received the Italian film, Madhouse, from Arrow. Looks interesting. Scanning through it, I'm pretty sure I've never seen it before.