Has anyone checked out Joker yet? Not a fan of such things but all of the trailers look interesting.
I finally took a look at a few UK Arrow code B blu's including The Thing and City of the Living Dead. There was a lot of criticism about both due to Arrow not tinkering with the color scheme much. From what I saw, both look excellent esp. John Carpenter's classic; Scream Factory didn't get a scan of the orig. cam. neg & they tinkered with the color. Arrow's release looks much more 'natural'. I can't wait to watch it in full. The Fulci is pretty fucking grainy esp. the outdoors scenes but indoors look very nice. It's maybe my fave Fulci film.
I have other code B movies like The Oily Maniac, Cure, Black Magic 2: Revenge of the Zombies, Savage Three, and will soon have a cheap copy of Tyrannosaur to watch while sitting around. I plan to do some reviewing-type crap on my blog, as well. Photograph the packages, etc. (noise, as well).