I figure because it's popular I'll ask:
Did anyone here have any interest whatsoever in seeing Joker? Everyone is making this huge deal about it being representative of psychological bullying and physical abuse towards someone leading them into the descent of madness, and committing violent acts like the Dayton shooter or whatever.
I think what is odd about it though, is that it took Hollywood to make a really stupid film about a clown (everyone that admires the film was making fun of mentally ill teens dressing as Joker and Harley Quinn just yesterday) from an overdone comic book series, in a way that isn't actually the original story, for people to have this conversation, lol. To me it's just Hollywood banking on the boom in "incel culture", and in the increase in discussions about bullying, and making everyone to feel sorry for these people so that Hollywood can profit. Some ridiculous people are even saying that Joker represents the H'WHITE man in his own country these days. Some madman that has a feminine laugh because he had his gonads cut off, and so everything is CLOWN WORLD. When it comes to that then you know society is legitimately screwed for good this time.
Power Electronics has been dealing with these subjects for decades. Hell, just watch ANY documentary on ANY serial killer on youtube. Every single one of those killers were sexually abused, or treated like shit as a kid. If the real discussion is to be had on the psychology of the matter, why on Earth would a film like Joker be the one that finally breaks the ice?
Still, did anyone see it?