Non-music "industrial/noise-related" releases

Started by Peterson, February 19, 2018, 08:19:01 PM

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Quote from: SILVUM on February 24, 2018, 09:02:14 AM
Francisco Lopez has building recording albums too

Buildings from 2001? Love that album, my perfect late night listening.

A lot of what i mentioned here is okay for one off listening but rarely would i come back to it. The Come Org Red light district walk around was always good for novelty but hardly something I'd put on now.

One not mentioned is Phil Blankenship's record where he reads the lyrics from a RHCP album. Again a bit of a novelty but certainly a different listening experience.

There was also a tape, I think it came out on Terror, that was field recordings from tibet? The recording of the temple and chanting stands out in my memory. But again this is more field recording rather than the topic title.


A bit stretched for the topic perhaps but this Ben Patterson fluxus piece is just 17 mins of flapping paper about. Great.


Quote from: Kayandah on March 06, 2018, 05:08:48 PM
One not mentioned is Phil Blankenship's record where he reads the lyrics from a RHCP album. Again a bit of a novelty but certainly a different listening experience.

There was also a tape, I think it came out on Terror, that was field recordings from tibet? The recording of the temple and chanting stands out in my memory. But again this is more field recording rather than the topic title.

Shit, I forgot about that Blankenship "Blood Sugar Sex Magik" album! That is true audio masochism, first to spend money on that, then to listen to it. One of the worst rock albums by one of the worst rock groups of all time, much less to just dictate the lyrics into some tape recorder. Pretty genius sense of sick humor. I want to hear that but there's a 0% chance I could endure the whole thing.

I looked up that Terror tape and might have to end up tracking it down. That might be a field recording, but is also more or less "music."

Quote from: HongKongGoolagong on February 24, 2018, 05:40:21 AM
Every single Vagina Dentata Organ record fits right here. Not so much composition in any of them but a whole lot of attitude. One of the very best and a true legend.

Gabi Losoncy has two LPs out to date 'Security Besides Love' and 'HH' plus a plethora of CD-R, cassette and internet only releases. Taped conversations of people in distressing life situations, recordings of panic attacks, recordings of inhuman sounds of bus engines, security systems, tannoys. Much of this very cold, unsettling and without solace.

OKOK Society one of the most prolific yet ignored artists working has created innumerable recordings of distressed/distressing monologues, shortwave radio, found sounds and general wtf audio. Highly recommended.

MK9 primarily uses found material for his audio and has created phenomenal and devastating work over many years since the days when he operated as Death Squad. As genuine an artist as is living today.

Never got around to VDO for some reason, still intend to though. OKOK is new to me, sounds good. Agree with the sentiments about MK9, Bryan Lewis Saunder's label outfit "Stand-Up Tragedy" would be a better description for what MK9 is all about, if you ask me. What I've heard over the past few months from Losoncy's YouTube channel I find both pleasant and very harsh/abrasive/annoying at times, kind of like Hijokaidan - not sure if that makes sense but that was my overall impression. I'd like to check out her tapes on Alien Passengers especially but you know how that goes.

Oh, and these look interesting: (self-explanatory) (respect your elders!)


Quote"Dedicated To Dominique Venner"

Laughing my ass off, that old nazi fart would have committed suicide a second time if he had known he would become a hero in that kind of musical scene.