Classical (darker/heavier/obscure/less "traditional", etc.)

Started by SKY BURIAL, January 10, 2011, 05:47:35 PM

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Bloated Slutbag

Ansgar Beste - "Pèlerinage Fantastique" (2010) for prepared string quartet

I think this is pretty great. Nice scraping textures, appeals to my TNB predilictions.

More Beste fragments to be found here:

Random related tube trawling produces:

Juan Cruz Guevara - Homenaje Parlamento Andaluz Victimas del terrorismo

...some nicely cacophonic intervals, but I think this is a plain solid piece of composition.
Someone weaker than you should beat you and brag
And take you for a drag


I listen to Galina Ustvolskaya often. Her website has a list of recordings ( that she preferred.