Started by FreakAnimalFinland, April 27, 2019, 03:53:16 PM

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Quote from: theotherjohn on April 09, 2021, 12:17:59 AM
No release date yet, but At War With False Noise has a "SMELL & QUIM 7" Collection 3xCD box" listed in their forthcoming releases. As the website states, "buy some stuff so I can afford to press all that", and if anyone in the UK/Europe hasn't set their eyes upon AWWFN's massive distro list before then now's as good a time as any to have a rummage. His brutally funny reviews are well worth a gander at the very least.

I guess the word is out, but this is in the works as a 4LP \ 3CD set. It's a lot of material to put together and is a ways off, but it'll have an extensive visual catalogue of all included releases, live photos, and related ephemera. AWWFN is doing the CD version, and I'm doing the vinyl edition, if all goes well it'll be out hopefully by the winter.

'Bull's Penis Soup' audible CD reissue with approx 30 minutes of extra material is in progress as well and should be out within a month or two.


Quote from: totalblack on April 09, 2021, 12:58:00 AM
Quote from: theotherjohn on April 09, 2021, 12:17:59 AM
No release date yet, but At War With False Noise has a "SMELL & QUIM 7" Collection 3xCD box" listed in their forthcoming releases. As the website states, "buy some stuff so I can afford to press all that", and if anyone in the UK/Europe hasn't set their eyes upon AWWFN's massive distro list before then now's as good a time as any to have a rummage. His brutally funny reviews are well worth a gander at the very least.

I guess the word is out, but this is in the works as a 4LP \ 3CD set. It's a lot of material to put together and is a ways off, but it'll have an extensive visual catalogue of all included releases, live photos, and related ephemera. AWWFN is doing the CD version, and I'm doing the vinyl edition, if all goes well it'll be out hopefully by the winter.

'Bull's Penis Soup' audible CD reissue with approx 30 minutes of extra material is in progress as well and should be out within a month or two.

Any news on this? Will this ever see the light of day?


yes ! these things take time. It's still in the pipeline.

Also CD reissue of "The Yellow Album" is in the works as well


I love Smell & Quim but I won't be wearing the new T-Shirt which is being offered through Old Captain.

I draw the line at wearing a T-Shirt with four colourful images of the UK's most notorious pedophile on it. Imagine the looks you'd get walking around town with a T-Shirt with four pictures of a nonce on it.

Thanks but no thanks, nothing good about children being raped by sick sub-human scum is there?

What was designer Ade Rowe thinking when he did this?

Go ahead and defend your actions, please.



Quote from: MEATPUMP on October 30, 2022, 11:49:58 AM
I love Smell & Quim but I won't be wearing the new T-Shirt which is being offered through Old Captain.

I draw the line at wearing a T-Shirt with four colourful images of the UK's most notorious pedophile on it. Imagine the looks you'd get walking around town with a T-Shirt with four pictures of a nonce on it.

Thanks but no thanks, nothing good about children being raped by sick sub-human scum is there?

What was designer Ade Rowe thinking when he did this?

Go ahead and defend your actions, please.


I was clothes shopping the other day and came across a pair of very tight, yellow trousers. Im not going to wear those either.

Just thought id tell everyone.


Quote from: Leewar on October 30, 2022, 12:23:25 PM
Quote from: MEATPUMP on October 30, 2022, 11:49:58 AM
I love Smell & Quim but I won't be wearing the new T-Shirt which is being offered through Old Captain.

I draw the line at wearing a T-Shirt with four colourful images of the UK's most notorious pedophile on it. Imagine the looks you'd get walking around town with a T-Shirt with four pictures of a nonce on it.

Thanks but no thanks, nothing good about children being raped by sick sub-human scum is there?

What was designer Ade Rowe thinking when he did this?

Go ahead and defend your actions, please.


I was clothes shopping the other day and came across a pair of very tight, yellow trousers. Im not going to wear those either.

Just thought id tell everyone.

What point are you trying to make exactly?


They also released an album called The Christmas Album with Ian Brady on the cover.
And played shows with the "Have you Seen Shannon Matthews" poster printed on their shirts.
And released an album called Jesus Christ with a young child showing their genitals on the front cover.
And played shows wearing Jimmy Saville (and Fred West!) masks whilst molesting Top of the Pops annuals.

I dunno, maybe you just don't get their sense of humour.


Quote from: theotherjohn on October 30, 2022, 12:49:23 PM
They also released an album called The Christmas Album with Ian Brady on the cover.
And played shows with the "Have you Seen Shannon Matthews" poster printed on their shirts.
And released an album called Jesus Christ with a young child showing their genitals on the front cover.
And played shows wearing Jimmy Saville (and Fred West!) masks whilst molesting Top of the Pops annuals.

I dunno, maybe you just don't get their sense of humour.

Nah, I totally get their sense of humour, all I'm saying is I draw the line at wearing t-shirts with photos of prolific nonces on them, that's all.


Quote from: MEATPUMP on October 30, 2022, 12:56:54 PM
Quote from: theotherjohn on October 30, 2022, 12:49:23 PM
They also released an album called The Christmas Album with Ian Brady on the cover.
And played shows with the "Have you Seen Shannon Matthews" poster printed on their shirts.
And released an album called Jesus Christ with a young child showing their genitals on the front cover.
And played shows wearing Jimmy Saville (and Fred West!) masks whilst molesting Top of the Pops annuals.

I dunno, maybe you just don't get their sense of humour.

Nah, I totally get their sense of humour, all I'm saying is I draw the line at wearing t-shirts with photos of prolific nonces on them, that's all.

Cue someone says "don't buy it and wear it then".


Going back to S&Q relatedness, I had a chance to buy an Annual Jissom release that featured a deformed baby on the xeroxed cover - anyone know which year this edition dates from? It doesn't match up to the other releases that show on Discogs/blogspot pages, and in my foolishness I didn't actually purchase it to cross reference the tracks. It was a cassette in a polybag with a one-sided cover and no tracklisting - no other info on the cover to my recollection other than the title and the photo below it. No other contents to go alongside it, unlike the other AJ editions.

I resisted buying it because the seller got mock-outraged when I found it unmarked among his grubby detritus for sale at a secondhand market; he obviously didn't know what he was selling because when I asked how much for it, he snatched it from me, glanced over the cover art and title, and grimaced at me.

"Is this... children's... noises?...", implying it was something illegal and I was in the wrong for wanting to buy it.
"Hey, you're the one selling it!", I shot back.
"Oh... yeah...", he sheeplishly responded.

He offered a disproportionately high offer for it and wouldn't budge down to a more reasonable price. Then he snuck it away from public view so that "children wouldn't chance upon it by accident". Ah well, he'd already lost a sale from me with his attitude.

The only plus side is that I can imagine when he got back home and actually listened to it, he was sorely disappointed.


Had evening with S&Q.
Original edition of SPERMATHLON tape is so old, condom is all dried and turned into fragile dusty.. sleaze. Like packaging, noise is top notch mix of raw and nasty pause button action, but then changes into almost atmospheric noise lust ambience, and other things happen too. Too bad the reissue was so small edition, and fairly expensive. This good stuff would have been nice to be affordable CD reissue for wider audience. Some of many times heard s&q classic samples appear here what they used later on on albums.

THE ENGLISH METHOD. Same with the debut tape. Tape has no date, but discogs says 1988. Less of noise that goes all the way harsh, more the odd sound collage, drum machine beats, tape edits, overall weirdness. Spoken word parts. I do rate this be in realms of noise, but it is not always abrasive and distorted, more chaostic and bizarre. Perhaps there is more of NWW, weirdo C93 and such than sheer noise elements of 90's output. Good stuff, nevertheless! This also, was reissued by Vis a Vis on tape, back in 2017, pretty much nobody seen it, not really available. CD would be nice to see!
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


I draw the line at wearing a T-Shirt with four colourful images of the UK's most notorious pedophile on it. Imagine the looks you'd get walking around town with a T-Shirt with four pictures of a nonce on it.

Are you uncomfortable wearing a shirt with Uncle Jim on it, or more concerned what other people will say/think?

So, you won't be buying the new edition of 'The English Method'. Will you be scouring your record collection to dispose of anything that features undesirables?

What if someone released a noise album doing cover versions of Rolf Harris & Gary Glitter songs?


Been listening bunch on S&Q lately. I just listened the original tape of English Methods, so the CD reissue was bending next to the CD player for a while. Cover is indeed funny.

Little impatient about the singles CD collection. Even if I must have most of the singles, still waiting for the CD!
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com

Cranial Blast

Been listening to the Powerfuck album and actually think it might be one my favorite releases by them! It's got a nice mix of industrial scraping junk metal, ear piercing feedback and belligerent vocals!