Awenydd "Calas" C40 CassetteDiagenesis branch puts forth a limb. Swell little boy, grab and twist it. A cat births a hairy rock
Max Julian Eastman "American Wonder (47th President / 15 Sandels)" S/S C90 CassetteMJE recently elected 47th president of the United States commenced his inaugural tour of Finland
Hand & Knee / Mallard Theory "Basic Instincts" CDCybernetic quack and the damage done. The creative directors of Detachment Programs conducted extensive interviews with Sharon Stone in preparation for this project.
Commuter "Oct. Etch Bath" C20 CassetteNew sound work. Pitch black staggering in the alleyway falling over and heaving. How you could have possibly orchestrated all this
Clearance "The Seeds That Were Silent" C52 CassetteThe three-dimensional structure of an enzyme molecule, a test plate and its use in these exercises. Released by Tribe Tapes of America
Tom Furgas "Strobe Radio" C56 CassetteStrobe Radio was created by feeding the signal from a radio tuned to an FM rock radio station into the envelope trigger of an ARP synthesizer, and from there into a Roland SDE-1000 digital delay unit. Manipulations of tone, volume, small adjustments of synthesizer envelope, and sample-hold of the digital delay were all made in real time and no overdubbing or later processing was employed.
Composed and performed September 7, 1985... Austintown, Ohio.
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