Dead Reptile Shrine!

Started by Fluid Fetish, April 28, 2016, 05:17:15 AM

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Fluid Fetish

Most people seem to hate this project but I utterly worship this sort of insanity and have ever since I heard A Journey Through the Darkest of Forests. Truly creative, psychedelic, and indescribably weird. The black metal recordings or the noiser stuff is my favorite but their discography is so huge and diverse. Every release and song has this very unique feeling I have a hard time putting my finger on and is part of the reason I listen to this stuff over and over. Something genuinely primitive and shamanistic maybe is getting close?

The Journey album, Jewel Throne Recordings and  N.T.K. are all interchangeably my favorite recordings that I listen to over and over again.  It's been 3 years since Praise Cemetary was released and Antihumanism Records is gone forever, any word if there is going to be more releases? I certainly hope so. POWER AND CHAOS!

Jaakko V.

Quote from: Fluid Fetish on April 28, 2016, 05:17:15 AMany word if there is going to be more releases? I certainly hope so. POWER AND CHAOS!

To my knowledge new releases are certainly coming up!

Fluid Fetish

Quote from: Salamanauhat on April 28, 2016, 08:27:48 AM
Quote from: Fluid Fetish on April 28, 2016, 05:17:15 AMany word if there is going to be more releases? I certainly hope so. POWER AND CHAOS!

To my knowledge new releases are certainly coming up!

Some of the best news I've heard in a while, thanks for the info.!

Fluid Fetish

Womb C album also is fantastic blending of Blutlechte/DRS, Cloama and Will Over Matter styles and the story that the album revolves around is really interesting too...


I haven't heard of many who would hate DRS. Perhaps more that his works remain quite low profile. I think this collective (rather than band) doesn't approach releases so much in terms of "good music". Therefore albums may be collections of hit & miss, if one just listens them based on musical merits.

I'm sure if the triple-CD set would some day emerge (reissue of tripleCDR/tape sets), that would be probably too much to swallow for most. Most of vinyl and CD releases are certainly obscure, but I would think they still have plenty of listeners who like it?
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com

Fluid Fetish

I think the low profile, obscure approach fits this kind of music perfectly, I always thought maybe this was multiple people with the one 'constant' member. Collective makes sense with this being such a mashing up of styles/vocals/approaches which along with the lack of musical merits is part of the DRS charm. Complete focus of spirit and fanaticism rather then technique and what people would normally call good music. Having said that my claims that everyone seems to not like DRS is mostly from all the reviews I've read in a few zines and online regarding the music and nothing else, seems the project does have a devoted small following to an extent though with myself included. With this stuff every song is so weird and unique, all DRS is hit and no miss for me.

The Jewel Throne is incredible! I wish someone would issue it as a lp set.

Cranial Blast

Quote from: Fluid Fetish on April 28, 2016, 05:17:15 AMMost people seem to hate this project but I utterly worship this sort of insanity and have ever since I heard A Journey Through the Darkest of Forests. Truly creative, psychedelic, and indescribably weird. The black metal recordings or the noiser stuff is my favorite but their discography is so huge and diverse. Every release and song has this very unique feeling I have a hard time putting my finger on and is part of the reason I listen to this stuff over and over. Something genuinely primitive and shamanistic maybe is getting close?

The Journey album, Jewel Throne Recordings and  N.T.K. are all interchangeably my favorite recordings that I listen to over and over again.  It's been 3 years since Praise Cemetary was released and Antihumanism Records is gone forever, any word if there is going to be more releases? I certainly hope so. POWER AND CHAOS!

I worship this project too! I appreciate it's insanity and experimental touches. Dead Reptile Shrine totally does NOT get the recognition that so rightfully deserves and it's truly a shame! I also had a hard time in the beginnings as well at putting my finger on what it is that I love so much about this project, but then I came to the conclusion that he makes all the kinds music that I like a lot, but sort of has this way of mixing it around in this alchemist / avant garde like fashion and the result is executed very well! I can't tell if he's very meticulous at arranging his songs or if he just has this way of creating it chaotically and all the stars seem to align brilliantly. His more dark ambient approaches are always quite amazing, there are some really mysterious and dark atmospheres to be heard and when he's doing a more black metal approach it's always great too. The riffs sound great, sometimes even profoundly "rocking" at times with weird pacing out of nowhere and his drumming can be really punk like and chaotic. There are also some dungeon synth elements as well. Dead Reptile Shrine I'd say was one of the influences for me when I started my own dungeon synth/dark ambient project Black Sun Sorcery, I wanted to try and conjure that subtle dark majestic like atmosphere that he has done so well. I've sent him some tapes of mine and he's always had some nice words to say about them and I'm glad he enjoyed my work, which was cool to hear as DRS being such an influence and all. I cannot recommend DRS to people enough, some people go WTF is this? The next person becomes obsessed by it like us!


Dead Reptile Shrine is good, but I don't listen to it often as it requires certain mood to get into it, due to the mixed nature of recordings. My favorite is The Sun Of Circles And Wood and the reason might be it feels most focused. The approach of throwing everything together is interesting, but at the same time I hope the records would be more curated to concentrate just on the good stuff.


Quote from: Manhog_84 on December 09, 2023, 08:16:34 AMDead Reptile Shrine is good, but I don't listen to it often as it requires certain mood to get into it, due to the mixed nature of recordings. My favorite is The Sun Of Circles And Wood and the reason might be it feels most focused. The approach of throwing everything together is interesting, but at the same time I hope the records would be more curated to concentrate just on the good stuff.

Agreed, definitely a project that requires you to be in the right headspace. I wish "Sun Of Circles And Wood" would get released on another format, though.

Cranial Blast

Quote from: ritualabuser on December 09, 2023, 06:36:05 PM
Quote from: Manhog_84 on December 09, 2023, 08:16:34 AMDead Reptile Shrine is good, but I don't listen to it often as it requires certain mood to get into it, due to the mixed nature of recordings. My favorite is The Sun Of Circles And Wood and the reason might be it feels most focused. The approach of throwing everything together is interesting, but at the same time I hope the records would be more curated to concentrate just on the good stuff.

Agreed, definitely a project that requires you to be in the right headspace. I wish "Sun Of Circles And Wood" would get released on another format, though.

Me too. That's one that I've always wished to have seen a CD re-release or least a cassette version.


Related project is also Blutleuchte. He did one CD for Sähkö and couple collaborations with Cloama. Also Cloama plays in some of DRS releases. Not sure if he has been ever credited. I do play on DRS one album too, I recall it wasn't credited as I usually ask not to. Their regular drummer couldn't play one track, so I did one song on album.

E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com

Cranial Blast

Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on December 12, 2023, 07:24:32 PMRelated project is also Blutleuchte. He did one CD for Sähkö and couple collaborations with Cloama. Also Cloama plays in some of DRS releases. Not sure if he has been ever credited. I do play on DRS one album too, I recall it wasn't credited as I usually ask not to. Their regular drummer couldn't play one track, so I did one song on album.

He's mentioned to me about this project Blutleuchte, but I've not heard that material yet, nor have I seen any of that material available today. It's most likely, because the material is going back twenty years or so and was released in some smaller quantities perhaps. I'm still trying to locate some of the that stuff, hoping to find something down the way. I think there was a CD called Rus, that I've been wanting to hear, plus lots of collaborative type of material with Cloama like you had mentioned too.


Quote from: Cranial Blast on December 13, 2023, 03:36:05 AM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on December 12, 2023, 07:24:32 PMRelated project is also Blutleuchte. He did one CD for Sähkö and couple collaborations with Cloama. Also Cloama plays in some of DRS releases. Not sure if he has been ever credited. I do play on DRS one album too, I recall it wasn't credited as I usually ask not to. Their regular drummer couldn't play one track, so I did one song on album.

He's mentioned to me about this project Blutleuchte, but I've not heard that material yet, nor have I seen any of that material available today. It's most likely, because the material is going back twenty years or so and was released in some smaller quantities perhaps. I'm still trying to locate some of the that stuff, hoping to find something down the way. I think there was a CD called Rus, that I've been wanting to hear, plus lots of collaborative type of material with Cloama like you had mentioned too.

The Rus CD is very interesting. Unfortunately my copy got destroyed during my last move, but its very different than most of his releases. The final track is a very long sort of wonky dance track, but I would say the release as a whole is relatively morose, with some nice DRS folk moments in there and some shortwave radio sounding marches. I think you can still buy CD on discogs for a few dollars.

The Blutleuchte/ Cloama collaborations are fantastic and worth tracking down.