One of the best and most original noise projects. Or should I say power electronics? Both is correct and it doesn't even matter how this should be classified. What I like about WOM, is that it's always in evolving state, while maintaining it's recognizable style. Latest tape, Exceed the Recommended Maximum is again a proof how the project can take new directions while staying within the WOM concept. Themes can vary sovereignly from occult/satanic to UFOs and scientific experimentation and releases are always visually interesting. One tape came with a glow-in-the-dark spaceship! I think best releases are the ones that are least aggressive. Some have more Ride for Revenge style vocals, and I like that, but for example this new tape is just minimalistic, instrumental electronics. There's something really cozy about these sounds. Some other favorites of mine are Toisesta maailmasta (hails for the innovative Pekka Siitoin sample), Aino Kassinen/Ultra, Aviation Hypnosis and from the more aggresive style: Normalcy Restored Through Enemy Castration. That is some great title and I love the ugly layout.